ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • Revitalizing Peja's River-Kosovo's Green Corridor

    The entire program consists of roughly 4 components: The City Green Spine, The River Park, Natural Wetlands, and The Multi-purpose Lake.

    City Green Spine aims to provide blue-green solutions for the city of Peja surrounding the Lumbardhi river. The main feature is a green, gradually-stepped riverbank, allowing access to the river and a green space adjacent to the center of Peja.

    The River Park is the section between the city and the newly built wastewater treatment plant. More specifically, it connects with the new urban development area of Peja. The River Park has a twofold aim: (1) manage the river, and (2) provide a green, natural environment for residents and tourists.

    The Natural Wetlands is the section of the river from the wastewater treatment plant to the lake. It is an area that will be more natural than the River Park, which allows the river to move more freely.

    The Development of the Multi-purpose Lake is one of the prestige measures of the program. The current site is degraded due to illegal gravel extraction and pollution. The Multi-purpose Lake will revitalize both socio-economic and ecological values of the site, whilst attracting national and international visitors.

    Connectivity of the urban and rural landscape is essential for accessibility and use of the to-be-developed program components. Measures include hike paths and bike paths from the city centre to the Multi-Purpose Lake, via the River Park and the Natural Wetlands. Lastly, a shuttle service will be developed to ensure easy transit between the city centre and the lake.

  • Ibbenbüren Tor West

    As the entrance to INOVA Park, „Tor West" productively brings together history and the future, offers elastic development possibilities and is supported by a robust open space structure. The central museum square offers a lively place to linger for arriving visitors, museum guests, users of the daycare center located there, and adjacent commercial workers.

    Three design guiding themes form the basis of the development concept:
    1. creation of a strong open space structure. This links the area in many cases via a robust and high-quality design with the northern Gleispark, the Osnabrücker Straße and the open cultural landscape in the south .
    2. integration of historic preservation and new buildings. With the preservation of monuments and integration of these into a clearly structured new building structure, a variety of spatial and functional relationships are created.
    3. the clearly structured commercial building areas allow the settlement of many small-scale to a few large-scale uses due to the efficient developments (delivery traffic, MIV, bicycle and pedestrian traffic) and the flexible building orientations and depths. Public generating functions are located at the entrance square and the museum.

    The open space performs important climate functions and, with its permeable structure, has good connectivity to the surrounding landscape. North-south connections support ground-level cold air flow for effective summer night cooling. A tall tree population binds fine dust, improves air quality, and provides a high level of comfort in the outdoor space.

  • New Axis Monheim

    The city of Monheim am Rhein looked for concepts for the transformation of the shopping center Monheimer Tor and its surroundings, which connect the city center of Monheim with the neighboring district "Berliner Viertel" to the south.

    The main principle of the design is a new urban axis that connects the two unequal halves of Monheim and adds new urban spaces in the form of two squares with different characters. The area is densified with mixed city blocks, in which flexibly usable plinths are combined with residential and office space. The mall is partially corrected and rebuilt on the south side, creating new entrances and passageways and giving the south side of the building an attractive new face.

    The design underlines Monheim's urban ambitions. The threat of further land consumption and the growing need for mobility connected to it is opposed by a concept that aims at inner-city densification, intensification, and flexible mixed uses.

    Rathausplatz 20
    40789 Monheim
  • Climate Quarter Wolfsburg Fuhrenkamp

    The neighborhood at Fuhrenkamp takes on the responsibility of a climate-friendly settlement. The compact development minimizes the degree of sealing and creates generous green spaces with dense tree populations. These air-condition the neighborhood and increase biodiversity. Stormwater management functions according to a sponge city and cascade principles, in which rainwater is retained and temporarily stored, evaporates and infiltrates or is discharged into local ditches. Renewable energy is generated locally.

    The use of durable materials, building with used and recycled materials, and a wood construction method contribute to climate protection. Promoting and enabling a change in mobility behavior achieves a low-car neighborhood. The climate quarter creates a social mix by offering diverse, also new forms of housing as well as friendly street spaces for play and circulation, diverse open spaces and neighborhood centers for all generations.

    The Fuhrenkamp neighborhood is being developed in phases, beginning in the south and growing out of the city. The development in individual steps makes it possible to learn from what already exists and to make appropriate adjustments to meet changing needs. The edges of the individual neighborhoods in the area react in a differentiated manner to their context: the neighborhoods leave sufficient distance to the section of forest to the west. At the same time, the biotope network is strengthened and expanded in a vertical direction between the existing structures and the new neighborhoods to the east. The new district is holistically interconnected through a framework of neighborhood centers.

  • Greater Helsinki Vision. Eight profiles, one unity

    'Holistic Uniqueness' proposes a future vision and a robust
    development framework for Greater Helsinki, Finland. The
    region is globally positioned as the interface between the EU and
    Russia. A high-velocity train network links Helsinki to the Baltic
    centres, Stockholm, Tallinn and St. Petersburg, establishing a
    transnational connection.

    The Greater Helsinki Region itself is defined as a configuration of eight core areas, each characterised
    by a unique programmatic and spatial profile. Based on
    the incorporation of global future developments (like energy
    shortage, demographic change etc.) and existing local potentials,
    the profiles act as concepts for sustainable development -
    ensuring global competence and creating local identity at the
    same time. A specific urban form and structure are proposed for
    each area, strengthening the programmatic profile and creating
    diverse relations between urban and green spaces. Within
    this metropolitan configuration, each area will offer something
    unique. Therefore they are linked not only by a sophisticated
    transport system but more importantly by complementation of
    each other.

    Pohjoisesplanadi 11–13
    00170 Helsinki
  • New Energie. Opencast mining landscape Garzweiler

    The opencast mine Garzweiler migrates within the region of Cologne / Mönchengladbach / Dusseldorf within decades. Highways are relocated, areas demolished, almost 8,000 people resettled. An abandoned area with no history is left behind. "New Energy" is a landscape in motion and consciously focuses on a development process starting now. The advancing open-cast mining is no longer intended to monofunctionally determine the space, but instead, through spatially and temporally projects, the landscape will develop in an attractive way in every phase.

    "Capturing the hole" is the first development phase: this is not only about the development of the mining area and its staging as a fascination but also by a change of image of the region. In addition, a green-blue infrastructure is being developed, which, as the largest park in Europe, surrounds the opencast mining area. A cable car "overflows" the hole, makes it experienceable and re-connects suspended villages. After the end of the brown coal mining, large areas are free for settlement, landscape and commercial development: a space that will be characterized by an exciting topography with novel open-space structures.

    41363 Garzweiler
  • Unfold Rosenstein

    The project completes Stuttgarts inner city. Like a mosaic, three new quarters fit into the existing situation and create an extension of the district with a strong and individual character. The three new quarters refer structurally to their surroundings and create together with their own „centres" strong identities. The common „urbangreen ribbon" connects the inner part of the city with the surrounding and creates a mutual meetingspace. By doing so the barrier of the track curve can be dismantled and transferred into a new central open space concept with an inner green lung. In the new eastern district-seam, the historical park meets mediating landscape, various leisure offers and finally the new district. A central key in the Rosenstein mosaic are the large school campuses, which act as joints between the new quarters and merge the open-space „seam" with the „urban green ribbon". In this way the project is embedded in Stuttgarts large-scale green system and is at the same time strengthening the connection to the Neckar, to Bad Cannstatt and the whole city of Stuttgart.

  • Seelze South, Landschaf(f)t Stadt

    Seelze Süd is characterized by strong references to open and clearly defined urban spaces. The quarter, which has been sustainably developed on the background of the climate crisis and resource scarcity, mediates between the existing settlement structure, trimodal western traffic axis, and open landscape. One of the outstanding features: 80% of the building blocks have a direct view on fields, forests, or areas of high quality in terms of nature conservation.

    In an exciting contrast to the wide landscape, the urban center stands as a mediating element to the existing settlement structure and as an entrance to the quarter. In direct contact with the water, there is a quarter square, retail, a health and a daycare center, a playground, co-working spaces, and student and assisted living.

    A settlement structure that is closely interlinked with the landscape is central to the new quarter. The building structure is consistently aligned with the open landscape and thus pulls it deep into the inside. In order to conserve the valuable resource soil, the areas to be built on are kept small and provided with a relatively high density. Economic development is thus guaranteed. If the roof surfaces are not used as terraces or gardens, they are used to generate energy and are intensely greened to promote biodiversity, microclimate, and rainwater retention.

    Free spaces
    Three large landscape pockets are programmed in a variety of ways: from an idyllic butterfly meadow to a small lake with a sandy beach to a BMX track, there is nothing left to be desired. At the entrance, there is also the important quarter square as a meeting point.

    Noise protection
    In order to provide protection from the 65 dB (A) expected in the north-eastern area at night, a largely closed development is used in the north and east. The chosen U-shape enables the creation of well-protected inner courtyards, which are intended for outdoor living areas. In addition, the general arrangement of the buildings enables additional noise shielding.

    30926 Seelze
  • Unusual living KIDS

    In Germany, 90% of all children live in cities - 60% in large and medium-sized cities alone.

    The concept study takes this as an opportunity to redesign the existing housing estate on Bürgermeister-Reuter-Straße in Bremen Vahr according to the principles of a child-friendly city. The settlement shows various potentials in open space as well as in the building stock. In addition to the location on Lake Vahr, the rich tree population and the generous open spaces, the sealed parking spaces, the repetitive, underused open spaces, and the missing center pose challenges.

    In phase 0, a footbridge will be built that connects the neighborhoods with each other and interweaves the settlement with the network of paths in the area. It creates a center for the entire quarter, creates an address on Kurt-Schumacher-Allee, invites you to the quarter, and leads to the water. This is where people play, romp, rest, chat, celebrate, cook - a meeting point and link between the neighborhoods.

    The redensification strategy is subordinate to the maintenance of the valuable tree population and is divided into measures of upgrading, increasing, and adding. New forms of living promote the social mix in the neighborhood and enable new, diverse family structures and forms of living together in the long term.

    A central neighborhood garage on the main street, supplemented with decentralized mobile stations, enables a car-free neighborhood - this increases security, which at the same time brings more space to play on the street.

    The open space is made usable in the form of private gardens, neighborhood islands, playgrounds, and the "children's wilderness". The footbridge offers various areas of play - also for informal play and nature experiences.

    In the climate-neutral quarter, the roofs are activated as blue-green solar roofs. The rainwater is collected, stored, and evaporated. Biodiversity is promoted and made visible through bee pastures, hedges, and orchards. The footbridge leads as a research path through the future-oriented quarter. There, children can play close to nature and explore relationships between themselves and their environment. Sustainable use of resources can be learned in childhood.

  • Quarter at the Propsthof

    mixed, interconnected, green

    The quarter at the Propsthof forms an important component of the development area "west.side" in the west of Bonn. The property, which, due to parking spaces and low buildings is underused today, is to be developed into an attractive and mixed quarter with residential and office uses in the future.

    The proposed urban configuration fits into its surroundings and, as an entrance, creates new connections to the neighbouring quarters, especially for pedestrians and cyclists. The entrance to the district at the Propsthof is staged by creating a gate situation. Two seven-storey buildings with commercial use and active ground floor zones emphasize the entrance in terms of urban planning and structural engineering. A generous open space leads into and through the quarter.

    The residential quarters adjoining to the west are given a counterpart at the Propsthof, which complements the urban figure and forms quiet inner courtyards. As the centre of the district, the "mile" and the district square create a sequence of open spaces in which residential and commercial use meet.

    Existing green structures are integrated into the open space structure. The natural design of the open spaces reduces the degree of sealing of the property, promotes biodiversity and has a positive effect on the microclimate. The sequence of rooms, from the green neighbourhood squares to the residential courtyards, reacts to the contemporary demands of urban living and working.

  • Schönefeld Nord

    How can a missing piece in the urban puzzle holistically bring together airport, landscape and existing neighborhoods?

    At the border between the capital, the airport and the countryside, Schönefeld's „quarters of landscapes" combines the qualities of a major city with those of the surrounding countryside.The new urban component strengthens the qualities of Schönefeld and qualifies the existing landscape spaces. In the process, a rich urban ecosystem with great biological diversity is created.

    The northern landscape is strengthened and open space qualities are recognized for new residential locations. The starting point is the northern landscape band consisting of the Brandenburg field landscape in the west, the former Wall strip, the Rudow South Park and the Rudow-Altglienicke Landscape Park in the east. A mixed neighborhood forms the southern edge. Here, in the immediate vicinity of the train station, a compact, urban neighborhood with a strong mix of uses is being created.

    Diverse new urban quarters are located in the heart of characteristic open spaces. They create living space for a total of 11,500 new residents of Schoenefeld and 4,000 jobs in the immediate surround-ings of the train station and airport. They are characterized by their direct access to nature, short dis-tances and vibrant urban centers. A wide typological variety and a broad spectrum of public, neighborhood and private open spaces create the foundation for a variety of different forms of housing and lifestyles.

  • Øresund Region 2040

    The project is based on three aspects: 1. future megatrends, 2. strengthening a sustainable society via social equality, healthy environment, and qualitative economic growth, 3. participation along with reflective, visionary guidance as the basis for effective and flexible developments. High-velocity train and ferry connections will enhance the position of the Øresund Region as an interface between Central, Northern and Baltic Europe.

    The development concept for the Øresund Region itself combines two main structures: the Metrosund, an association of nine cities encircling the Sund, and the Ørezones, nine sub-regional areas. Each Metrosund-City and Ørezone is given a unique profile based on existing characteristics and demands of the aforementioned megatrends, generating regional identity and global competence. Within the hinterland networks of SMESTOs (Small and MEdium sized TOwns) give a flavour of the local qualities. One key agency will guide the development process: Øresund Visionary Guidance, a multidisciplinary, independent, cross-border task force working closely with the people of the Øresund Region.

    Lufthavnsboulevarden 6
    Denmark, Sweden
  • Open Neighbourhoods

    This urban design aims to create an attractive living environment for young families and couples and to give a new impulse to a large social housing estate from the 1960s. The existing open block structure will be maintained but is transformed into a structure with semi-private courtyards.

    Different typologies - i.e. houses with ground-level access, apartments with open floor plans - add variation to the housing supply. Within the building blocks, elevated courtyards create a safe environment for social interaction between inhabitants, especially young families. Notwithstanding their open character, these courtyards offer a clear visual and functional border between public and private spaces.

    Between the blocks, a sequence of car-free squares that draw on the surrounding structure contributes to a lively public space. To keep spaces as car-free as possible, most of the parking is organized in underground garages which are accessible from the edges of the block. By drawing on the existing structure, and by continuing the green belts and the existing rows of trees, the design creates a strong link with its surroundings.

    Erich-Klausener-Straße 1
    40789 Monheim am Rhein
  • Sponge City Hefei

    What does sustainable urban development with a special focus on the sponge city principle in China look like?

    The flagship project Sponge City Hefei relies entirely on decentralized drainage, which should lead to an answer to the flood problem and the extreme weather events that will become increasingly stronger in the future. Our focus was on the planned parks as central and profiling elements of the city, which will become the "green living room" of future residents.

    With low-threshold and barrier-free access, the offers of the residential neighbourhoods are supplemented here and the informal meeting, which is so far untypical for China, is promoted. This is achieved through the targeted use of, for example, generous seat edges, freely movable furniture, and picnic areas.

    With the aim of creating a metropolis with a low climatic footprint and a small impact on local ecosystems, four large parks with large unsealed areas are being created. The special sponge city principle provides for working with instead of against the water and implementing it as a characteristic element of Hefei. This helps the green-blue city to regulate the climate - especially in the very hot summer months. In addition to the climatic advantages mentioned, our argumentation of integrating the local river, which was originally supposed to be led around the city, creates a number of added values ​​for Hefei.

    The four emerging parks will each have their own characteristics, depending on the respective demarcation area. For example, the ground in the west with many adjoining office buildings serves primarily as a place to relax during work breaks on the one hand and as an extended conference room with options for flexible work on the other.

    The project, besides providing spatial qualities and creating urban spaces that promote
    social interaction in cultural life aims to serve as an innovative hydrological system to protect the city in the event of more extreme weather occurrences and to ensure sustainable urban development.

    As a result of all the interlocking concepts, Hefei forms a richly linked city with different biotopes and parks that work together with the social infrastructure and create a high-quality living space for the new China.

    Take a look at how we continued by planning the first park here.

    in progress
    Hefei / Anhui
  • Yueyang. Better water - better city

    Yueyang is a growing city in the Chinese province of Hunan. In cooperation with hydrology, water management, and water ecology experts as well as landscape architects, we developed a masterplan with the aim of a new adjustment of urban and open space development in the course of water quality improvement.

    The masterplan analyses the spatial and programmatic potentials of the Nanhu (lake) and the surrounding build-up and open space structures and develops them as a blue-green infrastructure. That improves the city's interconnectedness and the accessibility of green spaces. A catalogue of sponge city strategies proposes transferable concepts for a structure related integration of sponge city principles. The blue-green-black masterplan merges the strategies and delivers design approaches for different types of waterfronts and city profiles.

    602 Dongting S Rd, Yueyanglou Qu, Yueyang Shi, Hunan Sheng, China
    414000 Yueyang, Hunan