ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • Humboldtblock

    The Humboldt Block combines existing and new buildings to create a new productive quarter with a character know for Berlin, connects on many levels with its surrounding and can respond flexible on future challenges. The urban design aims to connect the area wit its surrounding - on one side the Humboldthain as an important open space, on the other side with the adjacent areas and institutions of the technology park.

    The structural setting completes the perimeter development of the building block along Gustav-Meyer-Allee. Existing and new buildings merge to form a quarter with a strong character, creating an outside view typical for the location. The part on Gustav-Meyer-Allee with its public first floor areas form the showcase, representing the new quarter. In the center of the Humboldt Block, a sequence of squares is created to connect the entrances of the new and old buildings. Those buildings face each other and form a common public space.

    The development is divided into nine north-south oriented strips of buildings, some of which are grouped together by internal courtyards. The main internal development for delivery traffic divides the resulting building strips in an east-west direction. The permeable building structure opens generously to the Humboldthain and links the quarter with its surroundings. The main thoroughfare is aligned with the two existing crosswalks of the block.

  • Schönefeld Nord

    How can a missing piece in the urban puzzle holistically bring together airport, landscape and existing neighborhoods?

    At the border between the capital, the airport and the countryside, Schönefeld's „quarters of landscapes" combines the qualities of a major city with those of the surrounding countryside.The new urban component strengthens the qualities of Schönefeld and qualifies the existing landscape spaces. In the process, a rich urban ecosystem with great biological diversity is created.

    The northern landscape is strengthened and open space qualities are recognized for new residential locations. The starting point is the northern landscape band consisting of the Brandenburg field landscape in the west, the former Wall strip, the Rudow South Park and the Rudow-Altglienicke Landscape Park in the east. A mixed neighborhood forms the southern edge. Here, in the immediate vicinity of the train station, a compact, urban neighborhood with a strong mix of uses is being created.

    Diverse new urban quarters are located in the heart of characteristic open spaces. They create living space for a total of 11,500 new residents of Schoenefeld and 4,000 jobs in the immediate surround-ings of the train station and airport. They are characterized by their direct access to nature, short dis-tances and vibrant urban centers. A wide typological variety and a broad spectrum of public, neighborhood and private open spaces create the foundation for a variety of different forms of housing and lifestyles.

  • Cradle-to-Cradle Industrial Park

    The concept Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C, Michael Braungart et al.) is based upon the idea of a circular economy in which resources are not consumed but are continually used. The feasibility study explores how this concept can be transferred to the development of industrial parks: C2C-principles for the design of buildings, open spaces and infrastructure are developed and a structural plan for a test site in Bielefeld, Germany, is laid out.

    Moreover, an energy system for the whole area is designed and C2C-prototypes for buildings and open space situations. The approach of the study is holistic and interdisciplinary and its planning recommendations can be used for the development of new industrial areas as well as for the transformation of existing sites. The study is part of the INTERREG-IVB project „Cradle to Cradle Business Innovation & Improvement Zones. C2C-BIZZ". Please contact us for the entire feasibility study.

    Am Niedermeyers Feld
    33719 Bielefeld
  • Tannenberg Quartier

    The Tannenberg quarter is characterised by a distinct build framework that forms a clear centre and protects the quarter from traffic noise. An independent ensemble.

    The entrances and views of the quarter integrate into the existing context. The network of paths creates several links to the allotment gardens and the neighbourhood to the west: The Gumbinnenweg with its prominent row of trees becomes the main link for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Private gardens and surrounding garden paths form connecting transitions to the private gardens of the neighbouring residential buildings and the allotment gardens (Klönschnack am Zaun).

    The generous open spaces with dense tree population ("grove") and the various garden areas have a significant influence on the character of the quarter: this is where you live "garden green".

  • At the old freight yard

    In cooperation with the Dutch landscape architects Felixx, we created a design for the site of the old freight yard in Duisburg.

    The site is being freed from its island location and reclaimed as a piece of the city: The large Westpark acts as a magnet for all Duisburg residents and brings life to the quarter. An important component is the almost 14 hectares of open space that is used for a better climate, cleaner air, water management, biodiversity as well as sport, recreation, and community. In particular, local public transport and non-motorized traffic will be strengthened: five bridges (bike/foot) span the motorway and tracks and connect the largely car-free district with its neighborhoods.

    open space
    The Westpark is designed as a spacious landscape park and, with a size of almost 14 hectares, offers space for all Duisburgers. A 12m high wall with a tree filter shields the noise and pollutants from the motorway. Different habitats and areas of use are created from north to south: meadow park, cultural park, sports park, water park, forest park. A central axis - the mile - links the quarter with the city in the north and the park in the south. In addition, all east-west connections are linked to the mile.

    The mixed-used quarter offers space for around 4,000 residents and 2,500 jobs thanks to various building types. The quiet residential areas each face the garden courtyard. In the north, there is the innovation quarter with offices, co-working, fab lab, start-up center, co-living, hotel, etc. Around the quarter square in the north, there are local suppliers, shops, cafes, market hall and market. An educational center is being built on Karl-Lehr-Straße with the "Karl 1", a house for movement + culture, as well as a library, VHS, music school, and elementary school with a daycare center at Westpark.

    Water, climate, energy
    The rainwater management works according to sponge city and cascade principles, in which rainwater is retained, temporarily stored, evaporated, and seeped away. The measures improve the microclimate (e.g. evaporative cooling, air purification), increase biodiversity, and the quality of urban space (recreational areas). Technical and near-natural measures of rainwater management are combined: These include blue-green roofs, infiltratable coverings, or various urban wetlands, i.e. retention and evaporation areas and plant-based cleaning systems. The energy system is organized on a decentralized basis and includes a heating, cooling, and electricity network, each of which is connected to the urban network. Roofs and facades are used to generate electricity and heat (photovoltaics).
    The west park is used to air-condition the quarter: Warm winds from the southwest (main wind direction) are cooled and filtered in the west park and guided into the depths of the quarter via the open east-west paths.

    Love Parade Memorial
    The Love Parade memorial is to be integrated into the quarter. A place that has its place in people's everyday life. The memorial will be part of the planned park, a place of tranquility, and will also be located in the heart of the new quarter. There is also a memorial grove between the mile and the memorial.

    We are very happy about the strong voting results of the public vote and the high level of support and acceptance from the people of Duisburg.

  • Government district Peking

    Better Water - Better City!

    Together with Wasser Hannover and the Chinese Academy for Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD) we have won one of three initial competitions for the new seat of government of the Chinese capital Beijing. As part of the planned amalgamation of Beijing with the cities of Tianjin and Hebei, the new government district will emerge in Tongzhou. The landscape-planning-based competition entry includes the integration of a holistic water and open-space system. The new government district's unique design features and identity were created based on its ecological and technical needs.

    Through the merging of Beijing with the cities of Tianjin and Hebei, China's new megacity of Jing-Jin-Ji will emerge, with 130 million inhabitants. To relieve the Beijing city core, this project involves moving the government district from the historical city centre to Tongzhou. The competition entry comprised the planning of a 600-hectare open space to complement the existing urban development masterplan. The varied open spaces will be used for sport, culture, commerce, and education, whereby the identity of each space will be considerably shaped by the proposed water concept.

    The proposal for a holistic water system fits into and improves the existing urban-development masterplan, and also considerably helps shape the natural and urban environment that was decisive for winning first place. In keeping with the slogan 'better water – better city', the specially developed sponge-city measures from flood protection to rainwater management all the way to blue-green infrastructure are integrated into the city. The ecologically and technically necessary rainwater canals, for example, are generally not run underground, but instead staged as a special city landscape element and made into an ecologically valuable identifying feature of the services, retail and residential quarters. In this way, different subspaces can be developed and special programs and functions can be offered through water design that will characterize the liveliness and atmosphere of the future government district.

    The combination of innovative water-cleaning technologies with a resource-saving grey-water use concept makes for a convincing overall design. We developed the required technical water-treatment facilities into an attractive place with character.

  • Racecourse For Future

    How can the area of the former racecourse in the east of Bremen be used as a local recreation area for all citizens of Bremen that, in addition to providing important ecosystem services, continues to allow space for experimentation and the unexpected?

    The racetrack oval becomes a continuous green ring that leads through the different areas. The outer edge is the most precisely formulated in terms of landscape design and the most regulated in terms of operation. It functions as a perceptible spatial framework and as a clear threshold between inside and outside. In addition, two circular paths provide the overarching connectivity here. The openness of the racecourse center is preserved and staged. It remains open for dynamic changes and is a valuable property that has to be negotiated continuously. Sub-areas are characterized in a variety of ways and occupied by different clusters of use. Individual utilization modules profit from the spatial proximity to each other and can form synergies. The central connecting path is supplemented by a network of secondary footpaths and trails. It runs through the different areas of use of the park and enables a direct and intuitive passage through the area.
    The project showcase building at the entrance to the area serves as a hub for networking local actors and sees itself as an open start-up center where new ideas and impulses for the racecourse area are continuously generated.

    The concept preserves and further develops existing landscape and utilization structures. It avoids deconstruction and adds new layers to the site - structurally, functionally, and ecologically.

  • New Kiellinie

    The Kielline connects the southern center of Kiel along the Förde with the northern district of Wik. It stages the impressive scenery of the Kieler Förde and is - especially during Kiel Week - a hotspot for events and tourism.

    The Kiellinie is an important place of Kiel's identity as a city by the sea. In order to strengthen this identity, the new Kiellinie represents a connecting open space on all scales for Kiel. It combines city, landscape and water to form an ecosystem. The result increases the well-being of Kiel's people as well as the biodiversity of the flora and fauna of the Förde coast.

    The Kiellinie is divided into three sections with different atmosphere, use and design. In the north, the „Förderküstenbiotop" renaturalizes the shore edge and offers local recreation areas for residents from the neighborhoods. The middle section stages a panoramic view of the water and the opposite neighborhoods. The pulsating mile represents the tourist center and lively heart of the Kiellinie. The different sections are held together by common design elements and form the identity of the Kiellinie. The defining element is the new stone of the shore edge, which continuously stages the topographical edge between water and land. The Kiellinie adapts to the different spatial and programmatic requirements and yet forms a recognizable identity in Kiel's urban space.

  • Lively skyscraper ensemble

    The city of Berlin is characterized by solitary peaks that build up little connection to each other. The skyscraper confetti thus forms the opposite position to the clearly defined perimeter block development. The design area, as a gateway to the densely populated area of the City West, brings the great potential of four related properties and their simultaneous development.

    A cluster of 2-3 high points will be formed on each plot, inspired by the diverse buildings in the surrounding area. The distribution of the building mass on different high points makes the buildings resilient and efficient since they can be divided and used differently. The concept is based on the continuation of the diverse and sophisticated urban structure while at the same time ensuring high land utilization. By emphasizing the intersection as an urban, high-density hotspot, a new location with special centrality and distinct urban conciseness is created.

  • Perspective Holzwickede

    For the growing city of Holzwickede, a long-term development concept is elaborated. The brief was a model for the overall city area and the definition of several urban development zones, with will be the focus of future city development. The recommondations for action are further concretized and located in a planning framework.

    The strategic project process starts off with spatial, social and historical analysis, then describes area profiles and development goals and strategies. Zoom-ins of the focus zones show more contrete provisions and exemplified spatial strategies.

    On the basis of the integrated action plan and the strategic development chances, processes can be verified, evaluated and arranged in the future, such as individual actions can be derived.
    The integrateted action plan is accompanied by a civic activism process and cooperation with the local goverment.

    59439 Holzwickede
  • Holtenau-Ost

    New urban coastal landscapes

    With Holtenau-East, a new urban coastal landscape is being created on a former military site on the banks of the Kiel Fjord, which interweaves previously separate settlement structures and natural habitats. Holtenau East is defined by two impressive local scenes. On the one hand the Kiel Fjord with its maritime waterfront, on the other hand, the Endmoränen forest with its distinctive topography. They not only create the stage for the new development but are protagonists by representing the climatic, ecological and cultural context. The design further develops these two elements in terms of landscape and urban development and combines their spatial and atmospheric qualities to create a new urban coastal landscape. The result is three urban landscapes with a strong character.

    Together they form a closely networked and circular district landscape developed from the site. The three quarters provide strong, site-specific answers to future living, work and leisure needs. They differ in their use of water through adapted and integrated flood and sponge city concepts that strengthen the local ecosystems. Diverse structural and open space uses close to the water ensure a high quality of living. At the same time, they improve the range of jobs, supply, cultural and leisure offers for Holtenau and the surrounding communities.

    The rainwater is collected decentrally on green roofs and retention areas and feeds a central wetland, which reduces the rainwater load on the drainage system during peaks of precipitation. The wetland saves supply costs and complements the public space with atmospheric elements. It also offers a habitat for birds and butterflies, offers potential for nature-educational offers and protects the area from flooding.

  • Sponge City Hefei: Five landscapes - one park.

    When a park becomes an adventure.

    Building on the master plan for the Sponge City Hefei, we next looked at one of its four large parks. The resulting profile should serve as a sample plan for the remaining zones.

    In the centre of the park, which is divided into five different areas, is the river, which is integrated as a characteristic element of the Sponge City and is of central importance. It acts as a catch basin for precipitation and floods of all kinds and thus contributes to sustainable urban development.

    Depending on the weather and the season, the park looks different and seems to be reinventing itself again and again. If the water coming from both sides of the city causes the river to swell, the park becomes, for example, standing water.

    The many plants and trees that form an entire forest in some areas are a central element of the park itself. In some parts, like the eco shore, the existing vegetation is even integrated and made tangible. In addition to the resulting shade donating places and high natural biodiversity, there is another climate-active aspect: The trees store the water at night, which they release into the air in droplets during the day, thereby helping to lower the temperature.

    While on the one hand areas are designed for meetings and events with large sunroofs for a market, for example, there are several leisure options along the spacious boulevard of the urban waterfront. There happen to be boat moorings, an amphitheatre in the water, a variety of cafes, or a specially planned swimming pool. The wetland, however, represents a completely different type of landscape design. In addition to areas with retention basins that function in a similar way, the water slowly seeps away, thereby relieving the sewage system.

    In order to make the use of a bicycle instead of the car more palatable, a cycle expressway from north to south was planned and cross-paths ensure that the eastern and western residential areas are connected.

    The variety of designed different areas answers every aspect and every question that public space can fulfil.

    For more information, we highly recommend our video about the project on CFTV.

    in progress
    Hefei / Anhui, China
  • Blankenburger Süden - Circular City

    The design is based on the concept of a "Circular City", a circular organised neighbourhood, and is guided by the spatial principle "Landschaf(f)tStadt": The landscape creates the city.

    A structural and design focus is on the blue-green infrastructure: a 60-hectare landscape park with garden, forest and water land not only offers various places for leisure, sport and recreation but also provides numerous ecosystem services such as climatisation in urban areas, rainwater management, food production and the strengthening of biodiversity.

    The neighbourhood is divided into four sub-sections, each with its own specific building and open space structure. All buildings open up to green space and offer a variety of affordable housing options. Construction with wood and recycled materials and the creation of blue-green roofs contribute to the neighbourhood's good climate balance. A new type of building, the so-called CYC Hub, acts as a circulation interface. It houses the technical infrastructure of the circular organised neighbourhoods - such as the energy station and the neighbourhood garage with a mobile station as well as socio-cultural and educational facilities such as a kindergarten, youth club, neighbourhood meeting place and neighbourhood management.

  • Marconiplein

    How to raise a dike in an innercity environment?

    Nexus, from the Latin 'nectere', means a "connection or series of connections linking two or more things". Marconiplein is, indeed, at the crossroad of different flows: not only mobility but ecology, water protection, development.

    Our vision is rooted in the understanding of this space as a complex node, where traditionally, absolute priority has been given to transport. Our proposal aims to invert the paradigm of Marconiplein as a space - a sum of several leftover spaces- defined by infrastructures, but rather, addressing high-quality public spaces first, where infrastructural strategy follows. The design of the new square will be led by the principle of unveiling. If in history, infrastructures - considered as a major source of disruption - have been buried, hidden and elevated, technological progress and accurate urban solutions, offer now the opportunity of reconnecting to infrastructures.

    Specific solutions will range from sloping squares, new vertical cross-views, increased number of entrances, fostering the square as a seamless public space, where infrastructure is no more perceived as separated from the city.

    The Netherlands
  • Gardencity 21. Green-urban-connected.

    The fringes of the city hold the promise to live in connection to nature, surrounded by landscape, open space and informal structures. At the same time, areas like these are criticized for their lack of functions, their boredom and their consumption of natural resources. How then – in the spirit of Ebenezer Howard - to create a "green urbanity" which is more diverse, dense, socially mixed and productive while at the same time maintaining the special qualities of the city edge? For the German BBSR, The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development we developed scenarios on How the Garden City can be translated to the 21st Century?

    A viable model can only ensue when spatial principles and specific qualities are brought and thought together with the processes, structures and stakeholders that shape the city. The planning approach for Garden City 21 therefore draws its topics, concepts and strategies from the context. Four sample areas illustrate how built and unbuilt intertwine, how aspects of a Garden City can be developed not only on the fringes of the city and how it can embrace local competences, programs and structures.
    Scenario-based designs and strategic stories are the starting point, and are used to illustrate the qualities of urban and open spaces, so as to be able to discuss them with stakeholders.

    Link to publication: 'Gartenstadt 21', Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung

    Am Markt 21, 28195 Bremen, Duitsland