ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • Future quarters at Ostpark

    Liveliness makes the city!

    In Paderborn, with the vacancy of the Barker barracks, there is a unique opportunity to create a piece of city that shows solutions to current challenges.

    The green heart, a new open space for Paderborn, forms the central element of the urban planning concept. It complements the local recreation and leisure activities for the entire city, creates points of attraction and brings the residents together. It is also of particular importance for ecological functions such as decentralized, plant-based rainwater management. A total of 18 hectares of green space support the city's biodiversity and climate resilience.

    Strong edges with urban density frame the green centre. They develop the surrounding peripheral areas of the city structurally and functionally. The existing buildings will be converted and integrated into the edges. In doing so, they enrich the neighbourhoods structurally and programmatically.

    A total of three new quarters offer spaces for living, working, meeting and leisure. They complement the neighbouring districts with future-oriented forms of living, learning locations and workplaces. An innovative and resilient energy and heating system make the new quarters climate-positive.

    Mobility is organized sustainably and with as few cars as possible. Therefore, it is connected to today, oriented towards the future, robust and adaptable. The concept serves as a model for future developments in Paderborn. The traffic areas are designed primarily for bicycle and pedestrian traffic; rounded off by a dense public transport network. District garages on the edge of the area guarantee accessibility by car as well, but will gradually become less important in the course of the mobility transition and are accordingly designed to be reusable or easy to dismantle.

  • Campus Delta Heilbronn

    In order to bring people, ideas, opinions and uses together in a diverse way and at the same time to make an important contribution to adapting to climate change, the CampusDelta is being created as a learning landscape and a place of knowledge on the banks of the Neckar.

    The CampusDelta creates an urban structural transition between commercial and residential areas through compact building structures with clear building edges to the northern street space and an open, smaller-grained building structure to the southern riverside park. The new central campus mile connects the northern education campus, the Neckarbogen and the access road heading north to the Wohlgelegen innovation park. This urban axis functions as a superordinate networker, as a central movement and orientation zone for the campus and creates a clear address side for the buildings. Along the mile are diverse recreation zones, small and large squares, as well as the important primary functions of the campus. The characterful buildings of the campus are compact, differentiated in structure, hybrid in use, and feature striking roofscapes and green facades. Small-scale organized first floor zones and open foyers give the architectures a human scale and support the diversity of uses inside and out.

    Shaped from the landscape, the campus minimizes sealed surfaces, maximizes open space and thus biodiversity as well as near-natural water management, and relies on renewable building materials, climate-neutral energy supply and sustainable local mobility.

  • Perspectives Gütersloh

    Over the past decade, many gaps in building blocks have been closed in the city of Gütersloh. Various areas have been upgraded or restructured. With the integrated action plan, not only the urban design of the city will be further sharpened. With the participation of diverse actors, new prospects for the long-term development of the city are presented.

    Strategic decisions are prepared to make the city centre adaptable for changing spatial requirements in the future. The integrated action plan defines key objectives for development. Conceptual and design requirements are defined for e.g. functional mix, open space planning, or traffic issues. These recommendations are implemented and spatially located in a strategic master plan. On this basis, future developments and project proposals can be tested and evaluated and individual measures can be derived.

    Berliner Straße 70
    33330 Gütersloh
  • Klima-Mosaik

    For the neighbourhood, a robust and at the same time adaptable concept is proposed, developed from the landscape and the context. Through a variety of qualified open spaces and a communal centre, neighbourhood, density and sufficiency can be thought differently.

    Approximately 250 residential units of varying design will be created in the neighbourhood. In order to create affordable housing, the focus is on multi-storey housing. With the building types row, point, angle and double, there are four variants of multi-storey housing in the neighbourhood. The diverse housing offer is complemented by 38 terraced houses. The neighbourhood cluster in the centre lends itself to cooperative development with complementary uses.

    The natural appearance of the neighbourhood is paramount. The use of sustainable materials offers ecological and technical advantages at the same time. Apart from the design specifications for typologies and spatial edges, the variance in facade and colour design, as well as in the open space elements of the individual neighbourhood clusters, ensures individuality and orientation. Design elements from the context create a sense of belonging to the surroundings, while communal spaces offer space for self-realisation.

    The "Klima-Mosaik" is characterised by strong open space references, diverse forms of housing and an active, communal neighbourhood centre (including a meeting place, co-working, special forms of housing). In addition, the neighbourhood hub bundles mobility services and other uses (e.g. workshop, parcel station, youth meeting place).

  • Updating Nordweststadt

    Like many other residential schemes of the 1960s the Nordweststadt in Frankfurt requires an update of its building stock, a redesign that meets current and future demands of urban living. A set of transferable, integrative, and low-cost design measures is developed, focusing on three main tasks: Tidying up, the regeneration of neighbourhoods, and the strengthening of identity.

    Shrubs and trees are cut back, the parking is reorganized, pedestrian and cycle lanes are being introduced, new public spaces are designed and the courtyards are upgraded by private gardens, new public green amenity spaces and 'light pergolas' - a minimal architecture that connects basement parking with the courtyards and passes over into a podium with seating steps on ground level. The light pergolas enclose a small lounge, an external barbecue, water and electricity connections and a bicycle workshop. During evening hours and at night the pergolas illuminate the courtyard, by day these enable diverse and easy use of the courtyard and strengthen a lively community.

    60439 Frankfurt on the Main
  • Vlora Boulevard

    A scenic route that attracts locals and tourists.

    With the new Boulevard in Vlora, the second largest port city of Albania, we vitalized an important node of the city that was far from using its great potential of becoming the lively heart of Vlora. Here one can find everything the city needs; from bars, shops, and restaurants to theatres, mosques, the University and the stadium.

    The mission was to improve the public space that now is not only the biggest shopping street of Vlora but also acts as the spine of the urban structure connecting a variety of different programs with each other. The existing mix of regional and local functions and commercial and entertainment activities, that give the street a character with a high dynamic, has been strengthened.

    The boulevard used to be dominated by speedy car traffic and was characterized by palm trees that, unfortunately, were slowly dying due to a disease if not mostly dead already. The former noisy 4 lane street got downgraded into a 2 lane street to provide a 4 m wide free space for pedestrians to stroll and to promote the use of bicycles: A new service strip for terraces, furniture and all kinds of the local greenery.

    A lot of local greenery has been added to provide shade, reduce urban heat and improve the conditions and microclimate of the city. By using local materials and plants typical for the beautiful Albanian Riviera the design celebrates the identity of Vlora and emphasizes the genius local and topographical qualities and conditions. Sustainable and resilient materials for paving, using local planting and trees, define a public space that captures the characteristics of Vlora.

  • Schamotte Quarter

    From a factory site to a green living quarter!

    The concept for the area of ​​the former fireclay factory in Bonn-Duisdorf transforms the industrial site into a green neighbourhood with a high quality of living. The urban arrangement of the buildings is derived from the noise impact from the south and the location within a larger city block. A four-storey block building with a stagger along the railway line shields the quarter from the noise. Two polygonal, four-storey solitary buildings in the south form the transition to the more loosely arranged buildings in the area. The structurally identical buildings fit into their surroundings by being twisted against each other and creating diverse and exciting spaces through recesses and bends.

    A neighbourhood square is being created that will serve as an identity-forming address and meeting point. An additional green open space stretches to the east, where the opposite entrances to the buildings are located.

    All adjoining municipal and private plots of land in the east and west can be integrated into the urban picture. The existing building, a shelter for the homeless, can be retained and further developed by adding another story and balconies. The green connection in the middle of the quarter will be extended and merged with a green area with a playground. In the west, a solitary structure can provide a clear edge to the neighbourhood square and minimize the noise impact on the inside of the quarter.

    All new buildings are planned as wood hybrid buildings and can be recycled and later returned to the material cycle thanks to their deconstructability. Noise protection, spatial formation, and the quality of living are not dependent on the development of the neighbouring properties, guaranteeing a functioning and green residential area.

    Bonn Duisdorf
  • The multimodal City / Transformation Freeway B3

    Alternating the inner-city freeway B3 offers chances of enormous quality. In place of a disruptive gap with high infrastructural means, a continuously livable city can emerge along the freeway. A city that is balanced multimodally with all its functions, spaces and atmospheres. The integration of transit spaces as well as thinking built environment and free space together enables a programmatic diversity and synergies which can react to change. Besides the task of keeping up the traffic flow, barriers, noise and emissions are being reduced and inner-city plots are being reclaimed for urban developments.

    The chosen street section in the "Leinemasch" minimizes the intervention in the landscape. The Willmerstrasse is being transformed into a lively city street with high living and sojourning qualities by implementing a tunnel for the freeway, starting from Schützenstraße. East of the Hildesheimer Straße a Tunnelpark emerges with high qualities of open space for the adjacent urban areas. In addition to optimizing the freeway itself, sustainable mobility and transport are being valorized massively: Ricklingen in the west and Döhren in the east are connected with a bicycle highway and a tangential busline.

    30519 Hannover
  • Munich North-East

    How can strong urban growth be reconciled with village structures? A question that is becoming more and more important nowadays.

    In Munich Northeast we orientated our plan to the existing villages, meaning that along the existing and future infrastructures (S-Bahn + U-Bahn) new dense, urban, and mixed-use quarters are growing, which structure the space. In this way, a district for 30,000 residents blends smoothly into its surroundings.

    A village and its church. Hybrid multi-story buildings in a mosaic of squares, gardens, and fields. A water landscape with an alpine view. Mutual references and soft transitions facilitate the emergence of diversity and a mixed city of diverse actors. A field of tension between anonymity and community, between central S-Bahn and historic village square, between the world of work and the field.

    81929 München
  • TXL Restart. Integral Systems

    The airport Berlin Tegel is going to be closed down. TXL will be developed as a high-quality research, industry and business park with the profile of 'urban technologies'. A strategic master plan builds the foundation for a flexible - and therefore, robust - planning process. Developmental guidelines and a profound system of rules create a structural, programmatic and creative quality of strategic important subareas.

    Simultaneously, more flexible developmental options are being allocated for other areas. ‚Quarters' profiles' emphasize existing potentials of subareas and strengthen the specific identity. An integrated concept for energy and water supports sustainable development: biomass, geothermal energy, wind energy and photovoltaics provide regionally generated energy. Gray and rainwater is being collected, refined and reused regionally. An urban aerial railway connects the site with the station and the tram. Here, the aerial railway is not only an efficient, sustainable means of transport but also represents sustainable mobility in terms of the site's profile.

    Saatwinkler Damm 62
    13627 Berlin Tegel
  • Perspektivplan. Spatial Vision Freiburg

    Freiburg is a growing city where more and more people want to live. How can the city continue to be developed in a sustainable way? The Perspectivplan elaborates spatial development options for the City of Freiburg in the next 10 to 15 years. In the course of designing, built-up areas and open spaces are conceived and developed together. Based on a differentiated (GIS)-structure analysis, so far undetected potentials are made visible, development strategies are pointed out and by means of scenarios a future spatial image with a complementary structure plan is generated. The project has been developed in a cooperative process with stakeholders, the municipality, politics and the public.


    Berliner Allee 1
    79114 Freiburg im Breisgau
  • Lune Delta°... designed as closed-loop cycles

    Taking into account the Cradle to Cradle philosophy, the Lune Delta forms an economic structure that provides design, ecological and social contribution even after the end of its period of use. The sustainable commercial area is based on the following principles: 1. integral: The structure fits into existing overall structures, arises and also benefits from them. 2. demand-oriented: Different requirements are covered by the initial cluster. The system of ditches forms its own ecosystem and areas for Commons are implemented. 3. diverse: Open space systems and the special sector mix resolve the contradiction between commercial use and landscape and contribute to creative and social diversity. 4.circular: Buildings, open space and infrastructures operate as material cycles. They support technical or biosphere principles and adapt functionally and in design. 5. sustainable: The use of renewable energies is a hybrid system, which is locally, infrastructurally and formally connected. 6. orchestated: The cooperative Development Company Lune-Delta controls processes, ensures synergies and promotes communication.

    in progress
    27572 Bremerhaven
  • Perspective Holzwickede

    For the growing city of Holzwickede, a long-term development concept is elaborated. The brief was a model for the overall city area and the definition of several urban development zones, with will be the focus of future city development. The recommondations for action are further concretized and located in a planning framework.

    The strategic project process starts off with spatial, social and historical analysis, then describes area profiles and development goals and strategies. Zoom-ins of the focus zones show more contrete provisions and exemplified spatial strategies.

    On the basis of the integrated action plan and the strategic development chances, processes can be verified, evaluated and arranged in the future, such as individual actions can be derived.
    The integrateted action plan is accompanied by a civic activism process and cooperation with the local goverment.

    59439 Holzwickede
  • Innovation Valley Garzweiler

    Due to the planned coal phase-out by 2038 and thus the elimination of a complete industry with many jobs, strong visions of the future already need to be developed today. How can we reintegrate the gigantic areas that will soon be fallow again in a sustainable manner and make them usable?

    Located in the border triangle, our workshop was about developing a vision for the area in and around Garzweiler. The main goal here was to move away from the current linear to a circular economy. The starting point of the concept was the question of how we can draw a strong vision of the place that addresses its complex issues: What does innovation need? What will energy production look like in the future? How can we restore the immensely damaged ecosystem and reconnect the fragmented biotope network? And what do the municipalities and residents of the region need? How can all these aspects be thought of in a cycle and thus map a strong, sustainable system?

    To give answers to all of these questions, the concept provides for the creation of an innovation network from three well-developed commercial locations in Jüchen, Jackerath, and Frimmersdorf, which tie in with existing plans. The conversion of the Frimmersdorf power plant, which is otherwise to be demolished (planned paralysis in 2021), creates a supra-regional innovation hub and acts as a gateway to the region. Its huge pre-built areas serve as a playground for start-ups as well as established companies. The power plant is a visual reminder of the cultural heritage and the important past of the region, but on the other hand, shows the big step forward towards a sustainable future. The pioneering spirit that has prevailed for decades is being rethought and translated into 2035.

    Large contiguous recultivation areas for industrial agriculture feed electricity into the local grid through additional use for wind power and PV systems. We are creating ecological corridors (forestry recultivated, natural green structures), which in the future will span between the lakeshore and the forests of the Erft floodplain and, in addition to safeguarding the species network, also represent interesting areas for tourism. Thus the economic situation of the region is strengthened. They are lined with laboratory areas: small-scale fields and garden structures on which circular agriculture is researched, tested, and applied.

    Garzweiler is an attractive area, but how can villages be developed, and what offers need to be created? Resource-saving, water management, or new forms of mobility are just a selection of important topics and factors that need to be considered. We propose different lighthouse regions in which to settle. In this way, for example, the new town of Niers am See is created. With the inevitable flooding of the Garzweiler II opencast mine and the resulting lake the size of the Tegernsee, there is an extraordinary opportunity for the realization of a model city with decentralized rainwater management and close networking in the adjacent natural biotopes. As soon as the opencast mining is completed, the respective villages can grow to the edge of the former mine and then have their own waterfront promenades in the final state.

    The concept is rounded off by a cableway that links the various areas.

    in progress
    Jüchen, Rheinisches Revier
  • Urbanizing the Periphery. Munich

    The study "periphery | landscape" identifies potentials and gives strategic advice for the long-term spatial development of the north-eastern periphery of Munich. The team was asked to work out a strategy for the development of an area of about 350 ha and to specify their findings for a sample size of around 150 ha.

    The approach is based on the following steps: The potentials of the area are recognized in a profound analysis and brought together in a synthesis map (A). Challenges concerning sustainable development in the periphery were discussed. They led the team to five strategies (B). These strategies provide a framework for long-term spatial development. They were developed in a close interplay with the design of a spatial vision for the North-East of Munich (C). The spatial vision shows ideas for future open spaces and new developments. The team invented a set of typologies of periphery settlement. The typologies focus on specific combinations of settlement and open space (D). A design for the sample site (E) is differentiated with stories, best-practice examples and development options in order to illustrate the everyday life of future inhabitants.

    Marienplatz 8
    80331 munich