• competition
  • Stuttgart
  • LBBW Immobilien
  • 17.500m²
  • Idea, 2023
  • 2331-RKS
  • realization competition
  • Arne Hansen, Verena Brehm, Oliver Seidel, Lilly Irmer, Sophie Kalwa, Nele Tramp, Hanna Sentis
  • Buro Happold

Köstra Reuse

The proposal for the revitalization of Königstrasse 1ab is based on the following 5 guiding design themes:

Development of a building structure that completes the ensemble of the hotel and Königsstraße 1c, which incorporates heights and gradations, creates addresses and forms the prelude to Königstraße through its orientation towards the train station.

Creation of lively, green passages with small-scale retail, gastronomy and areas for culture and events in the interior of the ensemble and a generous setback on Königstraße to provide more space for planting and passers-by.

Enabling maximum exchange between inside and outside through diverse and generous entrances and transparent façades.

Creating modern retail, office and restaurant layouts that can react flexibly to changing future requirements.

Reuse of the existing load-bearing structure and individual components to minimize energy consumption and thus reduce CO2 emissions.

  • competition
  • Stuttgart
  • LBBW Immobilien
  • 17.500m²
  • Idea, 2023
  • 2331-RKS
  • realization competition
  • Arne Hansen, Verena Brehm, Oliver Seidel, Lilly Irmer, Sophie Kalwa, Nele Tramp, Hanna Sentis
  • Buro Happold

View of the Schiller Passade with context to the hotel