ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • Meyer Forum

    At the Hettlicher Masch, the new heart of the Meyer&Meyer company site is to be built. The office building is designed to be open, inviting and present as a "forum". The design is naturally integrated into the height development of the surroundings, forms a striking and inviting address to the street, but is also present and visible to the highway due to its three-storey structure.

    The rooms of the office building are organised around a two-storey gallery room and offer flexible work and learning rooms as well as a large variety of programmes with a café, showroom and fitness area. The ground floor in particular is characterised by its floor plan flexibility, as the atrium can be extended for company parties or large congresses. In addition, spacious terraces and loggias form encounter zones and recreation areas. A photovoltaic system, extensive roof greening and an intelligent self-sufficiency concept make this design in wood-reinforced concrete hybrid-construction fit for the future. Thus this design is also a prototype of new working worlds, which are characterised by atmosphere, diverse meeting spaces and flexibility of use.


    49084 Osnabrück
  • Campus Nümbrecht

    The Nümbrecht School Centre is to be restructured in several construction phases and thus converted from a classical corridor school with internal, anonymous and unused corridors into a new spatial-pedagogical concept, the Cluster School.
    The corridors will be activated and transformed into communication zones, supplemented by group / EVA rooms and team stations, as well as niches and self-study areas, and opened to the communication zone.

    In order to maintain a clear location of the gymnasium and the secondary school after the merging of the Hauptschule and Realschule to form the secondary school, the former Hauptschule will be demolished and the school centre supplemented by the new building of the secondary school. The planned new building contains 18 classes, 3 team rooms and 12 special learning rooms, which are grouped together in clusters.
    The central interface between the existing building and the new one is the "common centre", which ensures the connection of the new building to the existing school centre.

    under construction
    Mateh-Yehuda Str. 5
    51588 Nümbrecht
  • New Neighbourhood Hilligenwöhren

    The new residential neighbourhood Hilligenwöhren is located on the threshold of a compact city to open landscape in Bothfeld. A composition of three- to four-storey buildings generates two courtyards with different spatial qualities. The norther green courtyards are the new neighbourhood's intimate centre, whereas the southern courtyard opens up to the street and hence to the neighbourhood.

    The buildings are connected via access balconies which activate the courtyards and are the basis for a vivid community. The central community room for all residents connects the two green spaces. It is the neighbourhood's living room. By opening and widening spaces, informal meeting points and social contact surfaces are offered. The building structure enables a flexible arrangement of various residential typologies und therefore a social mixture.

    A solid structure for the development of a long-lasting neighbourhood is offered. Furthermore, natural building materials ensure comfortable and healthy living environments.

    30657 Hanover
  • Düsseldorf VIERZIG549

    The colourful life!

    In the middle of the Vierzig549 quarter, the "heart" of the entire area is being created, a lively meeting place with a high quality of stay and programmatic diversity; the pacesetter for "The colourful life". The different building types „high-rise" (wooden hybrid), „courtyard house", and point house are designed as a coherent ensemble. The mix of commercial and residential uses promotes the urban character of the area. In particular, the programming of the ground floors, which ranges from commercial to Live+Work to mezzanine living, contributes to this. However, with the exception of the ground floors, the buildings are used for either residential or commercial purposes to allow clear and easy circulation.

    The green "urban grove" with park character and the multifunctional "square" complete the building structure. With their different atmospheres, they create a spatial and qualitative diversity in the quarter. Rainwater management is based on natural circulatory systems. Intensive green roofs (and extensive under the PV systems) delay runoff and encourage evaporation. An improvement in the local microclimate is expected through the systematic use and infiltration of rainwater in the open space. The inner area is car-free.

    The design of the building is guided by the image of urban architecture with echoes of the history of the area. The façade grid is robust and reminiscent of industrial building types. It is used as a base layer for all buildings and thus combines the different types of high-rise building, courtyard building, and point building as an ensemble. At the same time, the grid allows flexible filling depending on use and orientation as well as individualization for recognition value. The structural concept consistently relies on recyclable building materials and sustainable construction with wood.

    in progress
  • Sponge City Hefei - Eco Shore

    Various naturally designed areas in the Hefei City Park form the eco-bank. For example, an existing dam wall is expanded to include a so-called eco-berm. Sealing mats, gravel and sediment as well as a layer of wood and larger stones are applied to the existing structure and thereby provide habitats for plants and animals.

    To protect the new habitats, they are only partially accessible to humans. The rich nature with birds, insects, fish and a large variety of grasses, shrubs and trees can be experienced from a respectful distance on guided boardwalks. A unique encounter of plants, animals and people and an exciting retreat in the city.

    An existing wood area in the east will be enriched with more trees and thus become a dense urban forest, which has a positive effect on the microclimate and biodiversity. In addition, a retention soil filter takes on hydrological functions. Rainwater is cleaned here and then fed into the lake.

    A new shallow water zone with bird islands and bird beaches will be reserved for nature. The panorama pier makes it possible for people to experience this part punctually and at the same time opens up the view over the lake. Through the wooden walkways, human activity is concentrated in selected connecting spaces. The shallow banks, overgrown with aquatic plants, give the lake room to expand during heavy rains without flooding the city. The aquatic plants also have a cleaning function and thus improve the water quality of the reservoir.

    under construction
    Hefei / Anhui
  • Primary and Comprehensive School Helios

    A new primary and comprehensive school (IUS) is planned for the former site of the Helios AG in Cologne Ehrenfeld. The school concept is based on the idea of a "university school", which spatially implements the educational objectives of inclusiveness: The school comprises the grades 1 to 13 and operates closely with the teacher training of the University of Cologne. This is architecturally reflected in an open learning environment for all grades. As part of a new high-quality and dense city block, the school should be an integral part and actor of the district: The school premises may be used publicly and the school offers a range of activities to the neighborhood.
    The school is designed as a compact structure, which is confidently positioned due to its clear-cut cubic form and at the same time contextualized by its orientation to axes and edges of the surroundings. It creates a clear address to the Vogelsanger Straße by a glass-enclosed foyer and a funnel-shaped, covered entrance situation. The inviting foyer and the localization of semi-public functions on the ground floor – such as the auditorium and educational center, the canteen, workshop and studio spaces – creates the desired integration of the school into the district and allows for important synergies of different usages.
    The common center - "the heart of the school" - spans over two floors and offers spacious stairs for meeting and seating: A great place for communication and leisure for all functional areas of the whole school.

    Excerpt from the jury report: "The jury praised in particular the optimal implementation of the educational objectives, which corresponds in a particular way to the intentions of the users. The learning environments are well designed and can be effectively used. Primary education is accessible as a separate unit on the first floor over short distances. The secondary education units I and II are localized on one level and are equipped with a spacious central communication zone, which provides space for a diverse range of activities. ..."

    50825 Cologne
  • Drymades Village

    Located in Drymades beach, the holiday resort Drymades Village is composed of a series of stepped courtyards framed by architecture blending the project into a cohesive village feeling. Following the topography with a 15-meter height difference, the architecture articulates the ground levels to the stepped courtyards bringing an introverted feeling, while on the three upper floors, the units incorporate extended terraces and balconies, expanding the public life to all the levels.

    Typologically the villas are approached by the study of the predominant architecture of the location and the aim to find a different output to a resort project where individualization breaks a monotonous design. The iconic image of the Mediterranean villages will be communicated in the architecture with pre-determined elements, such as roofs and facades that compose a catalogue to personalize the villas. Mainly three differently sized units form the masterplan varying from studio units to large family units. They can also be joined horizontally and vertically, widening the possibilities for future owners.

    In total, six plazas are interlaced to each other, forming a large interior courtyard that articulates the private with the public space through openings in the architecture. Located at different heights and alternating one to the other, they open up the views of the seafront and offer a range of activities to the visitors. The main approach for the landscape is to keep as much as possible existing vegetation. The landscape changes its composition from a dense forest in the lowest part of the plot to an urban plaza in the highest part. Native species (cypress and olive trees), and plants with low maintenance (Bougainvillea, Cacti), constitute the selected vegetation.

    in progress
  • Revitalizing Guitanghe

    The river Guitanghe in its current state holds complex problems for the urban development of Changsha. In the future, it is to be identified as a central and living lifeline in the city and its ecological, urban, social and cultural significance will be considerably increased.

    Based on a flood problem and different water levels of the Guitanghe, dynamic urban development is created that considers water as a variable in dimensioning and programming of spaces. In this urban experimental field, innovative economic and urban development concepts intermesh. Changsha, a growing city, gets an ambitious, positive and future-oriented perspective.

    The river is going to play a major role as the central and linear centre of the city and, in addition to water management measures, offers the opportunity to make urban improvements and to connect Changsha via green and blue veins emanating from the river, both within the city and outwards. The Guitanghe will work as a green lung and strengthen the urban ecosystem as well as it will provide the city of Changsha with a new identity through local recreation areas and social and cultural infrastructure.

  • Framework plan federal district of Bonn

    In recent years, the Bundesviertel in Bonn has transformed into a successful business location and headquarters of the United Nations. Today, the district in the former federal capital faces new challenges to remain and become attractive as a location for companies, politics, international institutions and congresses and at the same time as a 'piece of the city'. The aim of the framework plan is therefore to show an integrated approach for future development.

    One of the main goals of the structural concept is to preserve and strengthen the identity-creating areas and to develop the inner potential areas structurally and openly in a sustainable manner. With the increase from currently around 4,000 to around 15,957 inhabitants, new needs arise in terms of supply and socio-cultural infrastructure.

    The Bundesviertel of the future is urban mixed, offers affordable and attractive living and working space, is characterized by social and cultural, sports, leisure and supply offers as well as high-quality open spaces. Through more and a variety of living spaces, commuters become residents. As a sustainable location, the Bundesviertel is changing from a simple office location to a work landscape ('work-life blending'). A crisis-proof and innovation-promoting mix of industries offer employees an attractive working environment.

    The concept is rounded off by a high-performance transport infrastructure that guarantees quick accessibility and good internal networking: An important role model for the traffic turnaround: cycle paths and footpaths are being greatly expanded and public transport is being strengthened.

    53113 Bonn
  • Water town Limmer - Individual living in a friendly neighbourhood

    The design for the JAWA forms an identity-creating neighbourhood that does justice to the self-imposed goals of socially and ecologically sustainable urban development. In terms of urban development and design, the ensemble fits into the Wasserstadt Limmer and, at the same time, enables a wide range of individual living and community wishes.

    The ensemble is open to the public, can be used in a variety of ways and is therefore lively due to an "open space shelf" with small and large balconies, loggias, planters, etc. Individual living requirements from small apartments with and without a patio to terraced houses or spacious family apartments come together as a clear volume and are characterized by a uniform design.

    The communal inner courtyard will be greened naturally. At its heart, there are a variety of community offerings: a large courtyard terrace for parties and events, an area for urban gardening with a barbecue area and a long table for eating together. There is also a spacious play area in the northern part of the courtyard. Sustainable construction protects the resources of future generations. Both the passive house standard and the Schottenbau grid optimized for timber construction contribute to this. In addition, the compact construction volume minimizes energy consumption.

    The maximum utilization of the possible construction volume guarantees an economical undertaking and reduces the community costs to be allocated. As a result, more apartments are created for people who can participate and contribute to the JAWA building community.

  • Gymnasium Lutherschule

    The draft envisages an extension of the Lutherschule through a powerful and independent structure, which fits into the existing block structure and self-confidently positions itself to the Engelbosteler Damm.
    The five-storey building forms in a modern and contemporary architectural language a clearly perceptible address while radiating openness and transparency. At the same time, the indented ground floor facade with its striking brick arches creates a spacious and covered entrance area.

    The central organizational idea is the clustering and self-evident stacking of the different areas of use:
    The communal areas are located on the ground floor, the creative areas on the 1st floor, the natural sciences on the 2nd floor and the grade clusters on the two upper floors. As in the floors below, the classrooms are grouped around a central communication zone that creates additional learning venues with niches and open areas.


    30167 Hanover
  • Blankenburger Süden - Circular City

    The design is based on the concept of a "Circular City", a circular organised neighbourhood, and is guided by the spatial principle "Landschaf(f)tStadt": The landscape creates the city.

    A structural and design focus is on the blue-green infrastructure: a 60-hectare landscape park with garden, forest and water land not only offers various places for leisure, sport and recreation but also provides numerous ecosystem services such as climatisation in urban areas, rainwater management, food production and the strengthening of biodiversity.

    The neighbourhood is divided into four sub-sections, each with its own specific building and open space structure. All buildings open up to green space and offer a variety of affordable housing options. Construction with wood and recycled materials and the creation of blue-green roofs contribute to the neighbourhood's good climate balance. A new type of building, the so-called CYC Hub, acts as a circulation interface. It houses the technical infrastructure of the circular organised neighbourhoods - such as the energy station and the neighbourhood garage with a mobile station as well as socio-cultural and educational facilities such as a kindergarten, youth club, neighbourhood meeting place and neighbourhood management.
