ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • Max and Moritz

    The primary focus of our project entails the resilient and environmentally conscious transformation of two Plattenbau buildings situated on the outskirts of Erfurt, with the objective of establishing a model that can be universally applied throughout the entire neighborhood. The volumes of the two buildings are enveloped by a prefabricated modular grid system, thereby creating an aesthetically refined and low-maintenance design. This approach facilitates not only the seamless integration of novel features, such as entrances on the north side and more expansive balconies on the south side, but also fosters the customization of living spaces and engenders a vibrant sense of community. Additionally, a continuous base serves to integrate the building into the surrounding street context, thereby reinstating a harmonious relationship with the adjacent neighborhood.

    Our material choices prioritize economic and sustainable utilization. Easily replaceable wood is employed for planter cladding and facade, complemented by natural fiber insulation and plant charcoal to offset the CO2 emissions associated with the concrete structure. Concurrently, the primary load-bearing structure is composed of concrete, ensuring both fire safety and minimal maintenance costs. A pivotal aspect of our climate-resilient transformation involves the incorporation of greenery on the facades to positively influence the microclimate in the vicinity of the building. This is coupled with a comprehensive rainwater management system, incorporating storage for utilization and retention during intense rainfall events. As a contribution to biodiversity, an assortment of plant species is judiciously combined to provide a year-round supply of flowers and sustenance for insects and birds.

  • Life in Sandbachpark


    The competition area is the first step in the restructuring of the existing commercial area into a mixed-use residential quarter. Between the cultural axis with a new metro connection in the north and the Sandbach with the future development of a park in the south, the area offers potential for a lively quarter with added value for residents, nature and the neighborhood with open spaces, buildings and services that can be used in a variety of ways. The design is based on a compact urban development that conserves the valuable resource of land and offers space for nature, rainwater management and leisure uses. The unsealed surfaces enable lush vegetation that promotes biodiversity, generates a balanced microclimate and creates atmospherically strong places. To promote the local rainwater balance, rainwater is retained on site, infiltrated, evaporated or stored in cisterns to irrigate plants. A diverse mix of uses including living, working, supply and leisure facilities creates a lively, „complete" district and reduces the need for mobility. A multimodal mobility offer organized in the neighbourhood garage consisting of sharing and e-mo-bility offers, cargo bikes, bicycle trailers, etc. reduces the space required and enables the cost-effective use of current technologies. The sufficiency district approach also reduces individual ownership in favor of shared prosperity, thereby conserving the planet's resources. Flexible (timber)system construc-tion and compact building volumes enable cost-effective construction. The sustainable building materials used, such as wood, clay, straw, etc., are used so that they can be decomposed by type. The necessary energy is generated locally as far as possible - PV on roofs and some facades, as well as geothermal energy, are used.

    40878 Ratingen
  • TVET campus extension Mazar

    The TVET Campus Balkh consists of three different technical and vocational schools (an Agriculture and Veterinarian Institute, a Technical Teacher Training & an Engineering College) as well as student housing. The master plan for the campus extension aims to connect these three schools through common indoor and outdoor areas, to facilitate students' interaction and communication.

    The local climate was one of the main drivers behind the design. Both the placement of the buildings, the design of the facades, the implementation of shading and cooling elements and the water management of the campus have been customized to the local climate conditions to create pleasant indoor and outdoor spaces.

    A central square and the addition of trees link all main functions of the campus and create high quality outside areas. A multi-purpose hall provides the students with a facility for sports, social activities and events, while the kindergarten in the centre of the campus offers a safe environment for children to learn and play. For this kindergarten, the existing buildings of a historical caravanserai were converted. These new functions, together with the re-designed outside areas, contribute to the inclusiveness of the campus for different users.

  • Münster-Hiltrup Ost


    The design taps into the potential to create a green, climate-adapted and carfree district for Münster Hiltrup that blends harmoniously into the existing landscape and settlement structure. Four compact neighborhoods with a large contact area to the open space will be linked by diverse green corridors in the interior (Green Delta) as well as a close-knit network of cycle paths and footpaths and attractively connected to the outside. Motorized traffic is reduced to a minimum and parking spaces are bundled. Within the neighborhoods, the mobility hubs form everyday hubs. A small-scale, differentiated development structure with ground floor uses at the neighborhood squares, social functions and various, mixed typologies suggest a people-centered scale with a rural character. In conjunction with an innovative climate adaptation concept and high ecological and energy standards, a future-oriented neighborhood development is being created for Hiltrup.

    Rainwater management follows the principle of the sponge city with the aim of minimizing intervention in the natural water balance, achieving near-natural rainfall-runoff behaviour, ensuring sufficient purification of the surface runoff that occurs, preventing flooding in the settlement area and reducing the runoff peaks into the watercourses to a natural level. Implementation is carried out as far as possible using near-natural methods with a small proportion of technical structures. In addition to the purely water management aspects, ecological benefits such as increased biodiversity and heat reduction are achieved. At the same time, blue-green structures are created that allow residents to experience the element of water.

  • Blue Eye

    As one of Albania's most important natural sites, the area of ​​the water spring of "Blue Eye" (Albanian: Syri i Kaltër) has been endangered by tourism for years. Our master plan is the attempt to manage "Blue Eye" sustainably and to prepare it for the expected increase in tourism. The integral strategy protects the natural monument while at the same time releasing its full socio-economic potential. This is achieved through various interwoven strategies, such as diversifying the local offering.

    The immediate area of this rare, almost unreal place is a natural monument characterized by sycamore and oak trees. With the ambitions to improve the local infrastructure for sustainable yet more intensive tourism, we developed an integral strategy for spreading the load of visitors during peak season throughout the year by providing yearly services and activities. By introducing new ways of accessing the Blue Eye Monument, we create different scenarios, points of view and vibes (hiking trails, boat trips and a family path). The program is rounded off with a visitor centre, local product shop, camping facilities and a newly developed cultural and social agenda, proposing the possibility of organizing festivals and local markets close but not right next to the Blue Eye. All of that to stimulate the unique character and potential of the area while keeping the nature intact. 

    The result is a natural phenomenon, unique on a global scale and protected for future generations.

  • Masterplan Nové Dolíky, Slany

    How can we create a modern suburban environment suitable for pedestrians in a 15-minute neighborhood - a new district with its own urban character that can withstand the ever-increasing pace of changes in human society?

    This is achieved by creating a car-free district that emphasizes pedestrian and cycling transportation, designing compact development that forms both a clearly defined public space and an attractive living environment for future residents.
    The concept of approaching public spaces stems from the fundamental idea of relocating cars to the outer edges of the development. The majority of parking spaces are condensed into three mobility hubs on the corners of the site. The implementation of blue-green infrastructure and the provision of quality public space for the residents of Slaný form a better connection between an agricultural park in the west to the city center in the east. With all amenities within reach and accessible recreational areas, the neighborhood will ensure a healthy and sustainable living environment.

    Part of this design is the establishment of a central green axis, functioning as a retention valley and providing space for trees and biodiversity. It directs the outer landscape and waterflows into the new neighborhood and results in the
    creation of a vibrant blue and green boulevard featuring diverse private and public spaces.

    The urban structure that forms this proposal has been carefully crafted to create compact development with a diversity of typologies and financing models. It is also based on simplicity and elegance for sustainable and prospective construction methods, along with a reliable approach grounded in a connection to nature.

    Slany, Czech Republic
  • Zhuhai Floating City

    Zhuhai is growing. The challenge now is to make this growth consistent with landscape and waters against the backdrop of climate change. The aim is to minimize the intrusion in nature due to ecological and economical reasons and by doing that to create a high quality of living in the city.

    The sponge city principle provides a convenient strategy for this purpose. Diverse water systems for the regulation of tides, flooding rives and heavy rains are not only integrated into the city structure but also utilized to provide various leisure and recreation facilities. In Combination with the local landscape and water characteristics, the sponge city principles shape a unique cityscape. In order to do that the project develops a city typology and various waterfront strategies which are transferable and versatile tools for future urban planning.

    32 Weiji Rd, Xiangzhou Qu, Zhuhai Shi, Guangdong Sheng
    519020 Zhuhai, Guangdong
  • Biotech Archipelago Mainz

    The Bio-Tech Archipelago is a great opportunity for the city of Mainz to build on its global reputation in the biotechnology sector and at the same time develop a city for everybody. Here, optimal conditions for research and development are combined with housing, leisure facilities and a vibrant landscape for people and nature. The design focuses on favoring cooling wind currents, networking local biotopes and preserving the expansive landscape and thus fullfill the requirements of the sensitive urban location and the associated responsibility for our environment.

    Located as a gateway to the city on Saarstrasse, it communicates structurally, spatially and programmatically between the cultural landscapes of the outskirts of Mainz and the biotech axis. It is both the entrance and keystone of the westward expansion of the city and generates a variety of added urban ecological values and offers for the local environment and the city as a whole. The urban figure opens up to the open landscape in spacious corridors. The building mass is divided into four sub-areas that unite to form a flowing archipelago-like urban landscape around a common open space.

  • Student City 2

    Our reconstruction concept of Tirana's "Student City 2" aims to show the great potential for particularly thermal energy savings in construction, modern student housing and is showcasing a well performing example how public and private sector can interact. As the buildings suffers from massive deterioration on the inside, main focus of the energy concept lays on a replacement of all basic infrastructure, including a adequate ventilation and heating systems as well as new windows as its centrepiece to remedy humidity. Different subdivisions of student rooms with joined shared bathrooms and modifications in use of common rooms allows spacious privacy and reacts on students needs. Applying a complementary colored orientation and material system for each dormitory allows visual indication of buildings, floors and rooms and provides "Student City 2" with a unique identity. As the roofs of the buildings offer common space, they can be used according to public or economic visions of its users and leverage "Student City 2" to be Albania's pilot energy efficiency project.

    under construction
    Rr. Studenti, Tirana, Albania
  • Marienburger Strasse

    The focus of our project is, on one hand, the careful urban integration of approximately 43,000 m2 GFA (realization part) and 10,000 m2 GFA (conceptual part) of dense housing into the existing morphological and ecological context, taking into account imposed restrictions and desires. On the other hand, the identity of our project arises from intense coordination and integration of urban planning, architecture, ecology, and landscape design.

    Characteristic of the existing urban structure of the broader surroundings of the competition area is the loose construction with small and medium-sized structures. In contrast to this morphology, the future urban fabric east of the railway track is planned as an urban densified perimeter block structure (Munich Northeast Ideas Competition). Our project establishes a context-related connection to these two different spatial conditions while simultaneously creating its own strong local identity.

    To achieve this, our design is structured into overlapping levels of order, creating differentiated and precise spatial relationships: The construction structure is divided into four typologies. In the west along Marienburger Strasse, the existing structure of rowed, rhythmically offset, small-scale buildings is appropriately complemented to ensure spatial permeability. This is followed by a loose sequence running north-south of individual building volumes (urban villas) increasing in mass and height, set in a landscape park-like arrangement. A third row consists of elongated structures on the east and north sides, which are more monolithic and taller in the northern part, gradually transitioning to a sequence of architectural individual units towards the south.

    Munich, Germany
  • Nivica - A model for rural development in southern Albania

    In the beginning of May 2018 students and professionals from Albania and the Netherlands went on a trip to Nivica, exploring the village and the region, and drafting first ideas. The team included architects, urban planners, archaeologists, landscape architects and architectural historians. The workshop results built the foundation for the further development of a masterplan for Nivica.

    The goal of this masterplan is to develop a model for a sustainable and prosperous rural economy, with touristic potential within Albania but also on an international scale. As a Living Lab, Nivica allows to experiment with alternative forms of (slow) tourism, small scale investment, renewable energy and local food and waste chains. The masterplan combines the preservation of buildings and structures related to the rich history of the region with a sustainable, diverse expansion of the touristic potential.
    Nivica is meant to be the prototype for Albania's "100 villages" plan, which sets out to fundamentally rethink rural development in the country


    6VPV+GP Distretto di Tepelenë, Albania
  • The Brandenbusch-Eck

    A new entrée to the Villa Hügel

    Based on the design principle "Landschaf(f)Stadt", the new Brandenbusch-Eck is a forward-looking and iden-tity-creating entrance to the Brandenbusch neighbourhood and the Villa Hügel in Essen. A neighbourhood that is being developed sustainably and serves as a centre of life for a broad range of residents. A small-scale and diverse density creates a lively place, uses resources sparingly, utilises infrastructure efficiently and relies on the mobility of the future - eco-mobility.
    Building on the strong scenic framing of the Brandenbusch neighbourhood by the Kruppwald forest and the preservation of valuable biotopes and existing trees, the "green carpet" completes the new entrance to a closed biotope network. This public green space is designed as an inviting gesture to the Hügelpark and the Villa Hügel itself.
    Brandenbusch-Platz, as a publicly effective square and protected new centre, links the new neighbourhood with the existing listed estate and promotes interaction. A new connection is created at the usage level: the social and cultural facilities in the neighbourhood are placed in a new context by the design. The connection between the church and the school is created by the Brandenbusch corner.

  • Expo Park Hannover

    The former area of the World Exposition 2000 is being transformed into the EXPO PARK HANNOVER: a high-class business and technology park with excellent infrastructure within walking distance to the world's biggest fairground. About 85% of the area is already being used by businesses, service providers, institutions for higher education and event locations. For the remaining plots, a development study was commissioned in order to visualize possible designs and volumetric developments.

    Special attention was paid to a wide range of programmatic options. The allotment provides plots between 2.000m2 and 20.000m2 and floor areas between 4.000m2 and up to 30.000m2. Different building types were developed and visualized in order to serve different needs concerning address-making, accessibility or internal organization. Exemplary designs are the OfficeTower, the ShowSPACE, the OfficeCUBES and the Start-upLAB.

    Straße der Nationen 10
    30539 Hannover
  • Wasserlagen Herne - Masterplan

    The projected population development up to 2035 also shows the trend towards a housing shortage in Herne. Despite this development, vacancies and underused space potential characterize the waterfront area. Due to the strong commercial and industrial character of the area and the dominance of large infrastructures, the existing residential areas are exposed to high levels of noise pollution. A lack of open spaces and cultural facilities, difficult permeability for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as major weaknesses in local mobility, which is too strongly oriented towards private motorized transport, exacerbate the problem of isolated residential areas and the associated social imbalance in the area. Underused areas, vacancies and wastelands lack a coherent development perspective. Added to this are the deficient conditions in the housing offer and the external influences of the climate, energy and health crises with their very own challenges. This downward spiral must be counteracted by integrated and future-oriented planning for the entire area of the water locations. The planning objectives therefore focus on a diversified range of housing with a high degree of social diversity and programmatic mix; on the integrated development of high-quality commercial areas and the harmonization of housing, work, industry, open space, leisure and transport. A multimodal, transport connection and the structural, open-space networking of the entire area are the key factors. The planning objectives therefore focus on a diversified range of housing with a high degree of social diversity and programmatic mix; on the integrated development of high-quality commercial areas and the harmonization of housing, work, industry, open space, leisure and transport. Multimodal transport connections and the structural, open space networking of the entire area play a key role. Overarching climate goals come into focus and are linked to ongoing processes such as the coal phase-out or flood and heat protection through the Emscher conversion and sponge city principles.

  • ecovillage - Tiny Living

    Sufficiency means shared luxury.

    The "Tiny Living" building is part of our project ecovillage in Hanover. It is located at the transition between the centre and the Green Ring and forms the interface between the intimate neighbourhood and communal space with a high degree of publicity.

    The L-shaped building consists of two stepped structures, which are accessed and connected via a generously usable arcade. On the one hand, the arcade enables a diverse exchange between the residents and, on the other hand, a very high degree of flexibility in the use of the building. Based on a grid, a wide variety of apartment sizes and forms of living can be offered and the living space can be adapted to future changing needs.

    The main focus in the development of "Tiny Living" is residential use. This is supplemented by a shared bicycle and storage room, two laundry rooms, a common room and an experiment room for water use and food cultivation operated by the entire ecovillage with access to the adjacent aquaponics greenhouse.

    Responsible use of building materials makes a significant contribution to the sustainability of the property. As early as the construction of the building, the conservation of natural resources is included through a design that is suitable for recycling. Through the targeted choice of materials and the possibility of a clean separation of the elements used, the amount of waste is reduced and the rate of reuse and recyclability increases. The greatest possible use of the renewable building material wood not only minimizes the CO2 emissions during the construction of the building but also serves as important CO2 storage.

    With the development of our ecovillage project in Hanover, there is a great opportunity to make an important contribution to future-oriented urban development with a balanced triad of social, ecological and economic sustainability. Find out more here.

    in progress