ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • MAGNUM-Areal Osnabrück

    The Magnum site's DNA of industrial heritage and landscape succession forms the starting point for the transformation into a climate resilient neighborhood. The unique character of the former steelworks is expressed spatially in the overlapping of the scales of human, machine and nature and of the atmospheres between narrow alleys and wide squares.

    This productive interplay continues to write the history of the Magnum site in constant change. Three subspaces (water courtyards, forest campus, factory cluster) derive from the site, each with its own independent profile, which form synergies with each other and with the neighborhood. The Magnum Mile connects the three subspaces as a lively backbone of the quarter and the adjacent urban spaces to the west and east.

    For the quarter, own systems for the handling of water and soil are developed. They will be used for irrigation, gray water utilization and cooling of the quarter. The goal is to minimize erosion and soil exchange. As much accumulating water as possible is to be collected, filtered and reused. To do this, it will be stored in building-integrated cisterns. Materials collected are reused as much as possible. Existing structures, such as the grove or also hall structures are integrated and the character of the open space and the building structures are developed. The transformation is designed as a gradual, learning and appreciativ process.

  • House 1

    House 1 is the first built project of the masterplan 'mirror twins'. On top of a shared commercial ground floor a green link connects the site with the close-by park. The two seperate buildings connected by the common plinth are generating an enormous amount of requested square meters. Rather massive volumes are perforated by a series of programmatic voids that connect to a common circulation space, an inner void. The much needed public space is integrated into the building by creating a second entry level and reinterpreting the circulation space. The engraving appearance
    of House 1 refers to the typical salient facades of Tirana. Multiple tilted strips create a rich play of light and shadow.

    Rruga Jordan Misja 20
    8303 Tirana
  • Köpenicker Gleislandschaften

    The development of the former freight station Köpenick offers a unique opportunity to create urgently needed living space and jobs in a central, well-connected location in the immediate proximity of diverse natural landscapes. The major challenge here is dealing with the noise emitted by the railroad tracks, the industrial activity, but also the new eastern ring road.

    An open space ribbon links the area with its surroundings, takes over important climatic functions and crosses the neighborhood with public open space uses. An elementary part of the band is the undeveloped area in the north-east along the tracks, which leads the forest into the quarter and is a local recreation area and important retreat for flora and fauna. Noise protection typologies oppose the noise sources in the area and form an urban noise protection. This allows for a quiet neighborhood core with quality housing, quiet open spaces, and working environments. Uses evolve from the surroundings and respond to the differentiated context. This creates new synergies and promotes a functioning neighborhood.

    The „Köpenicker Gleislandschaften" transform the former freight station into a diverse, mixed and sustainable urban quarter, creating a strong edge at exposed locations and high-quality living in the inner neighborhood.

    Köpenick, Berlin
  • Park City

    The project is located on the western outskirts of Tirana, an area which has seen major development in recent years due to its prime location close to the main entrance corridor to Albania's capital. With a total of approx. 400.000 m2 built floor area the new district will house approximately 7.000 inhabitants. It stretches between two large parks, whose conceptual design also formed part of the competition brief. Runway Park is a 1,1 km long former landing strip and Lana Park is an extension of the city's main green axis. The design proposes an urban layout that forms a hinge between these two parks, making them accessible, as well as connecting them, whilst strengthening the distinctively different character of both. The urban structure reflects a combination of three typologies: 4 storey stripes, 12 storey towers and 8 storey 'urban rocks'. The aim is to offer a broad variation of lifestyles, as opposed to the prevalent development paradigm of 9 storey broken perimeter blocks in Tirana.

    rruga Abedin Rexha nr 167, Tirana 1033, Albania
    1000 Tirana
  • Carbon-Based Design – Steps to Zero

    The Netherlands needs 1 million new homes before 2030. How can we ensure that they put as little pressure as possible on the environment? How can we ensure that they meet the challenging climate targets? Even if all future homes are built according to the current agreements (Nearly Energy Neutral Building BENG, and 4% emission reduction in industry), the CO2 budget for construction will run out in 2026.

    This research is a continuation of the earlier report from 2021 ' Carbon-Based Design , research into the environmental impact of residential construction'. The focus is on the embodied carbon (the material-bound emissions from the production and construction process). Which components have the greatest impact on total emissions and how can we adjust our design and development strategy accordingly?

    This report goes one step further and quantifies the untapped potential for the reduction of environmental impact in buildings. With four cases, we aim to bring emissions as low as possible, or even to zero. The report compares three strategies: reuse, renovation, and biobased construction. We do this with the MPG method, which portrays the total environmental impact of a building over its entire life cycle, which is the current Dutch legal framework. Alternatively, with the Paris Proof method by the Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC) we test these results to see if they fit within the CO2 budget. Going beyond the legal framework, we also quantify the potential of Carbon storage in these three strategies.

    Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Space.Perspective.Würzburg.

    The „Space.Perspective.Würzburg." forms the basis for the redesign of the land use plan. The focus is on the concrete space, because only here can competing spatial demands be examined, weighed up and prioritised. Based on a variety of specialist analyses, site explorations and multi-faceted participation formats, a planning instrument case is created from the spatial image, area typology, spatial references, development focuses and synthetic future perspectives. All in all, this results in a strategic spatial image for the entire city, which on the one hand forms a strong framework and on the other hand can react flexibly to changing framework conditions. From this spatial information, very concrete strategic development goals can be derived for the land-use plan, which have already reconciled competition for space and contradictory requirements.

    97070 Würzburg
  • Revitalizing Peja's River-Kosovo's Green Corridor

    The entire program consists of roughly 4 components: The City Green Spine, The River Park, Natural Wetlands, and The Multi-purpose Lake.

    City Green Spine aims to provide blue-green solutions for the city of Peja surrounding the Lumbardhi river. The main feature is a green, gradually-stepped riverbank, allowing access to the river and a green space adjacent to the center of Peja.

    The River Park is the section between the city and the newly built wastewater treatment plant. More specifically, it connects with the new urban development area of Peja. The River Park has a twofold aim: (1) manage the river, and (2) provide a green, natural environment for residents and tourists.

    The Natural Wetlands is the section of the river from the wastewater treatment plant to the lake. It is an area that will be more natural than the River Park, which allows the river to move more freely.

    The Development of the Multi-purpose Lake is one of the prestige measures of the program. The current site is degraded due to illegal gravel extraction and pollution. The Multi-purpose Lake will revitalize both socio-economic and ecological values of the site, whilst attracting national and international visitors.

    Connectivity of the urban and rural landscape is essential for accessibility and use of the to-be-developed program components. Measures include hike paths and bike paths from the city centre to the Multi-Purpose Lake, via the River Park and the Natural Wetlands. Lastly, a shuttle service will be developed to ensure easy transit between the city centre and the lake.

  • Steinway Museum

    In the 14-month planning and realisation stage, a baroque hunting castle in Seesen was redeveloped with a focus on simplicity and clarity at a reasonable price. Also, the permanent exhibition of the museum was conceived and moved.

    Central attention at the rebuilding work was the restoration of spatial relations and structures, as well as the creation of a high-quality, modern but timeless showroom, which is able to take on the various exhibits, including specialities such as 'The world's longest piano string. The exhibition has a modern pedagogical approach and offers attractions and information for all age groups. Additionally, the value was placed to increase children's participation through experimental- and multimedia stations. In this way the museum can be accessed by a variety of senses, understanding through seeing, hearing and touching.

    Wilhelmsplatz 4
    38723 Seesen
  • Individuality in series

    How to allow individuality in serial pre-production with modular timber construction to respond to housing goals in a social, ecological and economic way?

    Within the framework of the competition, this question was investigated. The result: a modular and project-independent configurable floor plan system for multi-storey residential buildings in timber construction. The focus was on the possibilities of serial, cost-effective and environmentally compatible construction with high spatial quality.

    A simple basic structure forms the basis for the development of the versatile room modules. The general concept provides for a division into three spatial and functional layers, with the middle layer forming the link between the well exposed lounge layers and at the same time acting as the supplying core. To increase the flexibility, versatility and quality of the floor plan configurations, the modules are shifted in relation to each other. This creates flowing, two-sidedly lit rooms or apartments and versatile configuration options. When dimensioning the modules, requirements for accessibility, eligibility and economical logistics as well as prefabrication were taken into account, resulting in the dimensions of the room and technology module.

    The simple structure and dimensioning form the basis for the development of the room modules and the modular and expandable floor plan configurations.The floor plan types can be used equally in different building types and development forms and can be flexibly adapted to different urban contexts.Furthermore, the structure allows the adaptation to differentiated user groups -from standard apartments, to living forms such as cluster apartments as contemporary shared apartments or apartments for grandparents or teenage children.

    In order to be able to give the buildings a differentiated exterior and further increase the living quality of the apartments, the system provides for additional add-on modules. These are arranged as an additional independent layer in front of the facade and offer a wide variety of design and usage options.

  • Ibbenbüren Tor West

    As the entrance to INOVA Park, „Tor West" productively brings together history and the future, offers elastic development possibilities and is supported by a robust open space structure. The central museum square offers a lively place to linger for arriving visitors, museum guests, users of the daycare center located there, and adjacent commercial workers.

    Three design guiding themes form the basis of the development concept:
    1. creation of a strong open space structure. This links the area in many cases via a robust and high-quality design with the northern Gleispark, the Osnabrücker Straße and the open cultural landscape in the south .
    2. integration of historic preservation and new buildings. With the preservation of monuments and integration of these into a clearly structured new building structure, a variety of spatial and functional relationships are created.
    3. the clearly structured commercial building areas allow the settlement of many small-scale to a few large-scale uses due to the efficient developments (delivery traffic, MIV, bicycle and pedestrian traffic) and the flexible building orientations and depths. Public generating functions are located at the entrance square and the museum.

    The open space performs important climate functions and, with its permeable structure, has good connectivity to the surrounding landscape. North-south connections support ground-level cold air flow for effective summer night cooling. A tall tree population binds fine dust, improves air quality, and provides a high level of comfort in the outdoor space.

  • New Axis Monheim

    The city of Monheim am Rhein looked for concepts for the transformation of the shopping center Monheimer Tor and its surroundings, which connect the city center of Monheim with the neighboring district "Berliner Viertel" to the south.

    The main principle of the design is a new urban axis that connects the two unequal halves of Monheim and adds new urban spaces in the form of two squares with different characters. The area is densified with mixed city blocks, in which flexibly usable plinths are combined with residential and office space. The mall is partially corrected and rebuilt on the south side, creating new entrances and passageways and giving the south side of the building an attractive new face.

    The design underlines Monheim's urban ambitions. The threat of further land consumption and the growing need for mobility connected to it is opposed by a concept that aims at inner-city densification, intensification, and flexible mixed uses.

    Rathausplatz 20
    40789 Monheim
  • Climate Quarter Wolfsburg Fuhrenkamp

    The neighborhood at Fuhrenkamp takes on the responsibility of a climate-friendly settlement. The compact development minimizes the degree of sealing and creates generous green spaces with dense tree populations. These air-condition the neighborhood and increase biodiversity. Stormwater management functions according to a sponge city and cascade principles, in which rainwater is retained and temporarily stored, evaporates and infiltrates or is discharged into local ditches. Renewable energy is generated locally.

    The use of durable materials, building with used and recycled materials, and a wood construction method contribute to climate protection. Promoting and enabling a change in mobility behavior achieves a low-car neighborhood. The climate quarter creates a social mix by offering diverse, also new forms of housing as well as friendly street spaces for play and circulation, diverse open spaces and neighborhood centers for all generations.

    The Fuhrenkamp neighborhood is being developed in phases, beginning in the south and growing out of the city. The development in individual steps makes it possible to learn from what already exists and to make appropriate adjustments to meet changing needs. The edges of the individual neighborhoods in the area react in a differentiated manner to their context: the neighborhoods leave sufficient distance to the section of forest to the west. At the same time, the biotope network is strengthened and expanded in a vertical direction between the existing structures and the new neighborhoods to the east. The new district is holistically interconnected through a framework of neighborhood centers.

  • Greater Helsinki Vision. Eight profiles, one unity

    'Holistic Uniqueness' proposes a future vision and a robust
    development framework for Greater Helsinki, Finland. The
    region is globally positioned as the interface between the EU and
    Russia. A high-velocity train network links Helsinki to the Baltic
    centres, Stockholm, Tallinn and St. Petersburg, establishing a
    transnational connection.

    The Greater Helsinki Region itself is defined as a configuration of eight core areas, each characterised
    by a unique programmatic and spatial profile. Based on
    the incorporation of global future developments (like energy
    shortage, demographic change etc.) and existing local potentials,
    the profiles act as concepts for sustainable development -
    ensuring global competence and creating local identity at the
    same time. A specific urban form and structure are proposed for
    each area, strengthening the programmatic profile and creating
    diverse relations between urban and green spaces. Within
    this metropolitan configuration, each area will offer something
    unique. Therefore they are linked not only by a sophisticated
    transport system but more importantly by complementation of
    each other.

    Pohjoisesplanadi 11–13
    00170 Helsinki
  • New Energie. Opencast mining landscape Garzweiler

    The opencast mine Garzweiler migrates within the region of Cologne / Mönchengladbach / Dusseldorf within decades. Highways are relocated, areas demolished, almost 8,000 people resettled. An abandoned area with no history is left behind. "New Energy" is a landscape in motion and consciously focuses on a development process starting now. The advancing open-cast mining is no longer intended to monofunctionally determine the space, but instead, through spatially and temporally projects, the landscape will develop in an attractive way in every phase.

    "Capturing the hole" is the first development phase: this is not only about the development of the mining area and its staging as a fascination but also by a change of image of the region. In addition, a green-blue infrastructure is being developed, which, as the largest park in Europe, surrounds the opencast mining area. A cable car "overflows" the hole, makes it experienceable and re-connects suspended villages. After the end of the brown coal mining, large areas are free for settlement, landscape and commercial development: a space that will be characterized by an exciting topography with novel open-space structures.

    41363 Garzweiler
  • circUlar Hall - Green Ring

    The existing U-Hall is the heart of the BUGA. A green ring floats above it as a landmark visible from afar.
    It is a living sculpture that stands for sustainable recycling management, the willingness to experiment and a spirit of optimism.

    This circularly conceived tree hall, brought into the vertical, is not only part of the exhibition, but also a break in the tour and a place for the best views over the entire site. The tree house, built from recycled building materials, provides a habitat for flora and fauna, exhibition opportunities for field research and allows views of the solar power plant on the U-hall. Thus the ring is the central location of the U-Hall. This is where the tours and guided tours start, where people meet and where smaller and larger events take place.

    Spinelli-Barracks 1536
    68259 Mannheim