ul class="overview_list " id="projectList">
  • Integrated Comprehensive School Langenhagen

    With the new building respectively renovation, IGS (Integrated Comprehensive School) Langenhagen is changing from a school location with many buildings and addresses, separate uses and not barrier-free routes to an inclusive landscape of shared learning in close contact with the city and nature. Learning clusters with classrooms, differentiation areas and mixed-use recreation areas are organized around a central common centre and thus offer a variety of places to learn, linger, communicate and relax.

    The new school building is located at an urban node. While the south is characterized by loose and urban development and large-scale centre functions, the north is a green recreational area with old trees, green meadows and biotopes close to the water. The new structure mediates between these two worlds and creates a clear, urban address in the south as well as a central schoolyard in the north, which turns into a landscape park.

    Together with the existing cafeteria, the school building takes up a clear and public space. This is the place to arrive and linger for students, teachers and visitors. Supported by the large terrace of the cafeteria, this creates a lively space. The square is in close spatial connection with the newly designed bus stop, the bicycle parking spaces and the town hall square on the opposite side of the street. In the north, the structure interlocks carefully with the school park. Between the new building and the refurbished creative pavilion, there is a lively, enclosed, green break room, which connects the existing buildings (sports halls and creative pavilion) in an east-west direction. The compact building cubature maximizes the preservation of the existing trees and minimizes surface sealing.

    The building is designed as a wood-concrete hybrid construction. Optimal sun and glare protection while maximizing the use of daylight is guaranteed by blinds that align automatically depending on the amount of sunlight.

    Langenhagen (Hanover)
  • ANA Residences

    The residential complex AnA is situated close to the Student Village of Tirana University on a magnificent hillside. The oddly-shaped site starts with a narrow edge along the street and widens sloping down 15 meters of level difference. The building folds as a continuous figure, respecting all the necessary distances to the property line and on itself. This stepped form creates a local landmark with an identifiable skyline in a very heterogeneous context.

    The site opens itself to allow a pedestrian connection between the student village and the northern areas. This passage enlivens the commercial ground floor and the compound piazettas. The cuts in building volume are a response to the urban regulations and a way to break down the overall massing into pieces more related to the human scale. The same 'cut' approach is used in order to provide light and natural ventilation for circulation spaces. The attic floor has setbacks in strategic locations of the building for best views from the terraces for the exquisite apartments. The materialization aims for an elegant appearance with differentiated materials and patterns but an overall clean white look: the plinth is of fair-faced concrete with a diamond-shaped relief, the body from white plaster, crowned by an attic floor clad in beveled tiles for a shimmering reflection of the strong Albanian sun.

    1000 Tirana
  • Perspektivplan. Spatial Vision Freiburg

    Freiburg is a growing city where more and more people want to live. How can the city continue to be developed in a sustainable way? The Perspectivplan elaborates spatial development options for the City of Freiburg in the next 10 to 15 years. In the course of designing, built-up areas and open spaces are conceived and developed together. Based on a differentiated (GIS)-structure analysis, so far undetected potentials are made visible, development strategies are pointed out and by means of scenarios a future spatial image with a complementary structure plan is generated. The project has been developed in a cooperative process with stakeholders, the municipality, politics and the public.


    Berliner Allee 1
    79114 Freiburg im Breisgau
  • The Rubber House

    The Rubber House as a price winning project in the Eenvoud/ Simplicity competition was selected to be built in Almere, Netherlands, as one of 12 experimental housing projects. In volume and style inspired by the simple and archetypal Dutch barn architecture the Rubberhouse forms a simple asymmetric double pitched roof inhabiting 2 storeys, in combination with a single pitch roof with one storey. The resource saving construction consists of massive wood panels from cross-laminated timber. The outer walls and the roof surface are clad with black EPDM foil. In contrast to that the atmosphere of the inside is characterized by the natural warm surface of the massive wooden walls. The utilization concept proposes small private rooms in favour of a generous open plan living area. Clear lines of sight through the entire building support the robust, open space sequence and allow visual connections into the adjacent forest. The living room can be expanded via the large sliding glass doors onto the terrace. The high degree of prefabrication allowed for a building period of only three months.

    De Eenvoud 15
    1319 Almere
  • Lune Delta°... designed as closed-loop cycles

    Taking into account the Cradle to Cradle philosophy, the Lune Delta forms an economic structure that provides design, ecological and social contribution even after the end of its period of use. The sustainable commercial area is based on the following principles: 1. integral: The structure fits into existing overall structures, arises and also benefits from them. 2. demand-oriented: Different requirements are covered by the initial cluster. The system of ditches forms its own ecosystem and areas for Commons are implemented. 3. diverse: Open space systems and the special sector mix resolve the contradiction between commercial use and landscape and contribute to creative and social diversity. 4.circular: Buildings, open space and infrastructures operate as material cycles. They support technical or biosphere principles and adapt functionally and in design. 5. sustainable: The use of renewable energies is a hybrid system, which is locally, infrastructurally and formally connected. 6. orchestated: The cooperative Development Company Lune-Delta controls processes, ensures synergies and promotes communication.

    in progress
    27572 Bremerhaven
  • Perspective Holzwickede

    For the growing city of Holzwickede, a long-term development concept is elaborated. The brief was a model for the overall city area and the definition of several urban development zones, with will be the focus of future city development. The recommondations for action are further concretized and located in a planning framework.

    The strategic project process starts off with spatial, social and historical analysis, then describes area profiles and development goals and strategies. Zoom-ins of the focus zones show more contrete provisions and exemplified spatial strategies.

    On the basis of the integrated action plan and the strategic development chances, processes can be verified, evaluated and arranged in the future, such as individual actions can be derived.
    The integrateted action plan is accompanied by a civic activism process and cooperation with the local goverment.

    59439 Holzwickede
  • Rinia Complex

    The Rinia Complex is located in a former youth park in the center of Fier, on a plot that is open to 3 sides, facing different contexts. Our design for the mixed-use complex addresses these contexts, which represent the different and differing needs of the area. The building seeks to express the ambitions of the City of Fier, that is: to create a new image, one that is fitting for a city that is dynamic and continually growing, and to add important functions to the city like a public 25m pool and a cinema.

    Rinia Complex is a truly multifunctional building, with a program that also includes a 5-star hotel, 2 floors of parking space, residential units, a bank, a shopping center, a restaurant, and a casino. All public functions of the complex are accessible directly from the street via external staircases and are embedded into their urban surroundings. The building has been designed to be used in different ways at different moments throughout the day, offering both public/open access and private/restricted access areas. The intricate program has been fitted into a single volume, a uniquely shaped building that is internally 'fragmented' in order to give an answer to the different needs and the diversity of the context, but which also retains its flexibility as an urban 'shelf' that can take on a variety of functions.

    under construction
    Rr. Dervish Hekali, Fier, Albania
  • Innovation Valley Garzweiler

    Due to the planned coal phase-out by 2038 and thus the elimination of a complete industry with many jobs, strong visions of the future already need to be developed today. How can we reintegrate the gigantic areas that will soon be fallow again in a sustainable manner and make them usable?

    Located in the border triangle, our workshop was about developing a vision for the area in and around Garzweiler. The main goal here was to move away from the current linear to a circular economy. The starting point of the concept was the question of how we can draw a strong vision of the place that addresses its complex issues: What does innovation need? What will energy production look like in the future? How can we restore the immensely damaged ecosystem and reconnect the fragmented biotope network? And what do the municipalities and residents of the region need? How can all these aspects be thought of in a cycle and thus map a strong, sustainable system?

    To give answers to all of these questions, the concept provides for the creation of an innovation network from three well-developed commercial locations in Jüchen, Jackerath, and Frimmersdorf, which tie in with existing plans. The conversion of the Frimmersdorf power plant, which is otherwise to be demolished (planned paralysis in 2021), creates a supra-regional innovation hub and acts as a gateway to the region. Its huge pre-built areas serve as a playground for start-ups as well as established companies. The power plant is a visual reminder of the cultural heritage and the important past of the region, but on the other hand, shows the big step forward towards a sustainable future. The pioneering spirit that has prevailed for decades is being rethought and translated into 2035.

    Large contiguous recultivation areas for industrial agriculture feed electricity into the local grid through additional use for wind power and PV systems. We are creating ecological corridors (forestry recultivated, natural green structures), which in the future will span between the lakeshore and the forests of the Erft floodplain and, in addition to safeguarding the species network, also represent interesting areas for tourism. Thus the economic situation of the region is strengthened. They are lined with laboratory areas: small-scale fields and garden structures on which circular agriculture is researched, tested, and applied.

    Garzweiler is an attractive area, but how can villages be developed, and what offers need to be created? Resource-saving, water management, or new forms of mobility are just a selection of important topics and factors that need to be considered. We propose different lighthouse regions in which to settle. In this way, for example, the new town of Niers am See is created. With the inevitable flooding of the Garzweiler II opencast mine and the resulting lake the size of the Tegernsee, there is an extraordinary opportunity for the realization of a model city with decentralized rainwater management and close networking in the adjacent natural biotopes. As soon as the opencast mining is completed, the respective villages can grow to the edge of the former mine and then have their own waterfront promenades in the final state.

    The concept is rounded off by a cableway that links the various areas.

    in progress
    Jüchen, Rheinisches Revier
  • SAVI Guggenheim Helsinki

    The Guggenheim will access the richness of Nordic culture and open a door towards the East of Europe. Helsinki gets the opportunity to integrate a site with landmark potentials into the heart of the City: Reachable for pedestrians from Eteläesplanadi, adjacent to Tahititornin Vuori Park, and neighbouring Olympia Terminal, the site will be a new Connecter within the city.

    The urban design introduces a plinth to meet the challenges and foster the potentials of the site: It connects the park with the waterfront via a pedestrian bridge crossing Laivasillankatu. Pedestrians from Eteläesplanadi are directed towards the site via a stage and a grand ramp with seating – here the exhibition begins! A civic space of great quality for tourists and residents to gather and socialize. At the same time, the plinth covers the port vehicles access, ensuring undisturbed port operations. Above the Plinth and the Forum "flys" a wooden box. Its height fits into the surroundings and allows great views. The slim shape and horizontal gesture enhance the character of the site at the waterfront: a subtle yet genuine new element of Helsinki's cityscape.

    00140 Helsinki
  • Urbanizing the Periphery. Munich

    The study "periphery | landscape" identifies potentials and gives strategic advice for the long-term spatial development of the north-eastern periphery of Munich. The team was asked to work out a strategy for the development of an area of about 350 ha and to specify their findings for a sample size of around 150 ha.

    The approach is based on the following steps: The potentials of the area are recognized in a profound analysis and brought together in a synthesis map (A). Challenges concerning sustainable development in the periphery were discussed. They led the team to five strategies (B). These strategies provide a framework for long-term spatial development. They were developed in a close interplay with the design of a spatial vision for the North-East of Munich (C). The spatial vision shows ideas for future open spaces and new developments. The team invented a set of typologies of periphery settlement. The typologies focus on specific combinations of settlement and open space (D). A design for the sample site (E) is differentiated with stories, best-practice examples and development options in order to illustrate the everyday life of future inhabitants.

    Marienplatz 8
    80331 munich
  • Pelikan Mix⁴

    The project PELIKAN MIX4 is characterized by a variety of dwelling types according to urban lifestyles. Within an urban master plan four distinctive characteristics are developed:
    A landscape tableau is the connecting element, forming an entrée for the private, semi-public and public spaces. Generous lobbies in each house compose a discrete identity and a space of encounters. A great flexibility in the floor plans allows a variety of different apartments in size and type. According to society demands, the types "wellness", "sustainable", "extravagant" and "comfortable" are developed. They differ in constellation of rooms, material, building equipment and the offer of outdoor spaces. So called "Glorietten" crown the buildings and optimize light, spatial peculiarity and views.

    30177 Hannover
  • Water town Limmer

    The program of the new quarter entrance describes a modern mixed-used block in which different functions come together and are arranged compactly to each other. The entrances to the main functions are oriented towards the public spaces and emphasise the priority square and corner situations in the urban context. The 7-storey residential tower houses 60 micro apartments with a café on the ground floor along the entire facade. The eastern block houses is the assisted living, the western block is the care facility, including the supermarket with parking decks and a southern and northern row of shops. All ground floor facades with public uses open up to the public space with generously sized windows. The design envisages a solid construction method in reinforced concrete and brickwork, which optimally depicts the various building parts, functions and room sizes according to their requirements.

    Wunstorfer Landstraße
    30453 Hanover
  • Campus as Quarter

    The new quarter campus forms a high-quality central urban hub between the western and southern part of the city, which, through systematic revitalization and redensification, will sustainably supplement Heidelberg's educational landscape. The aim is to link the leisure and educational facilities and to expand the programme with living, working and public services to create a diversified and vibrant neighbourhood. The green open space strip, including valuable biotope structures and a north-south connection geared towards local mobility, connects the quarter to its surroundings. Superordinate development principles focus on the long-term maintenance of the livelihood of future generations and will create integrated and lively learning and living spaces.

    "Education happens everywhere - in the family, with peers, in leisure time and at school. Parents, school, day structures, associations - they all contribute to a holistic education." (Bildungslandschaft Schweiz)

  • Branch in the Landscape

    "Branch in the Landscape" presents a holistic concept that includes both the planned cycle and footpath connection across the Neckar and its relationship with the surrounding urban landscape. The focus is on providing residents and visitors with attractive incentives to switch to environmentally-friendly mobility. Urban planning, traffic, and design aspects are being developed into a uniform green infrastructure as a catalyst for new uses of the adjacent public spaces.

    Not only the residents will benefit from the new connections, but also the future users of the cycle expressway between Mannheim and Heidelberg. The infrastructure is deliberately compact and reserved in space and the cityscape. The functional path connection is supplemented at certain points by programmatic balconies, each of which enables a view of different landscapes and thus creates several places to come together and linger.

    Purposefully positioned buildings under the bridge structure (with potential uses such as a café and bicycle workshop) not only create a local path through the treetops but also create a new urban edge. Together with the bridge structure, this edge forms a new city gate in the west of Heidelberg and at the same time offers noise protection for the newly created Gneisenaupark.

    "Branch in the Landscape" creates a variety of spaces through the contrast between linear infrastructure and soft landscape, which also strengthens existing biotopes, creates new ones, strengthens the Heidelberg cityscape and helps previously separate neighbourhoods to create new synergies.

  • West African Science Center - WASCAL

    The guiding principles in the design for the landmark building accommodating the West African Science Center, are developed from the site and its conditions as well as from vernacular forms of spatial organization and construction of Burkina Faso. The building itself is reflecting the idea of scientific research as it serves as a hub, connecting the centre and its partners with each other, with visitors as well as with the city of Ouaga¬dougu.

    The heart of the building is the three-storey science area, containing all offices and their serving spaces. The ground floor connects all functions both spatially as well as programmatically through long visual axes. Inspired by traditional houses and settlements, the round shape of the building is effectively avoiding the low-standing sun as it slowly travels around the building. The climate concept focuses on natural ventilation in combination with night cooling and air movement by ceiling fans and solar chimneys and is in this way a best practice example for climate-adapted construction and sustainability.

    Boulevard Mouammar Kadafi, Patte d'oie, 06 B.P 9507, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
    Burkina Faso