• Recyclinghaus

    The recyclinghouse is an experimental residential building in the Hanover district of Kronsberg. It is a prototype that tests the possibilities and potentials of various types of recycling in the real laboratory and shows a cycle-oriented and resource-saving planning approach.

    On the one hand, the recycling center relies on recyclable building products, such as the raw construction made of glue-free solid wood elements. On the other hand, recycled materials such as the foundation made of recycled concrete or wall insulations made from old jute bags are used. There are also large quantities of used components being used which, if possible, originate from the building stock of the client GUNDLACH or have been obtained locally. Particularly important is a recycling-fair design that allows the use and disassembly of the components without loss of quality or a sorted separation of the materials after the end of life.

    The construction industry is one of the largest waste producers and consumers of resources and a significant contributor to global CO2 emissions. When planning buildings, today it is mainly the energy consumption in the operation of a building that is considered. The considerable amounts of "gray energy" involved in the production of buildings remain largely unconsidered. Here, the existing building stock can also be understood as huge raw material storage. The recycling of building materials and materials as well as recycling-friendly construction methods will play an increasingly important role in the future.

    30539 Hanover
  • Düsseldorf Mosaic

    How can Düsseldorf react to demographic change? Who plays which part in current urban development processes? Where can we create affordable living space? How far away is the open countryside, the nearest playground? These and many other questions concern the citizens of Düsseldorf. The "Raumwerk D", which is being developed parallel to the "Mobility Plan D", is intended to provide answers to such questions that have been worked out together. The spatial image determined within this framework is not a plan in the conventional sense. It is based on the current state of urban and landscape spaces and emphasises structural elements. It marks identity-defining places as well as urban structures that take over important functions for orientation. Furthermore, it spatially and pictorially highlights the qualification and profiling of urban spaces and the focal points of urban development. The participants in the dialogue process have enriched and specified the spatial image with suggestions regarding content and illustration.

    in progress
  • New Istropolis

    CITYFÖRSTER and KCAP design a new cultural district for Bratislava, Slovakia. Trnavské mýto will house a state-of-the-art concert and congress venue and the area will be transformed into a modern open neighbourhood including a series of green and public areas.

    Immocap, the owner of Istropolis, has presented its vision of New Istropolis, developed in cooperation with the international architectural studios KCAP and CITYFÖRSTER. The project aims to bring Bratislava a world-class multifunctional cultural and social centre with top-level architecture, creating a long deserved cultural landmark for the Slovakian capital.

    The new multifunctional hall enables Istropolis to meet Bratislava's real needs and leverage the potential of Trnavské mýto, and will foster cultural and congress tourism. New Istropolis offers the capacity to host various events simultaneously, such as acoustic, rock, jazz, pop concerts, numerous events and cultural events, and conferences and congresses of all sizes. The hall will be able to hold three different events simultaneously and have a maximum capacity of 3000 seats and 5000 combined seats for sitting and standing. The unique in-the-round seating configuration brings the audience close to the stage, creating a sense of intimacy and connection with the performers.

    Trnavské mýto is a key location in Bratislava in terms of pedestrian movement, traffic, and potential contribution to urban development. The project aims to bring new life to this important part of the city that has been neglected too long. Besides the world-class cultural venue, there will be a park with promenade, fountains, and cycle paths. Public areas will be accessible to visitors throughout the day, while the square will support and develop community activities such as seasonal markets.

    in progress
    Trnavské mýto 1
    831 04 Bratislava
  • Max-Becker-Areal

    The 17,3 ha site is currently isolated from the urban space and polluted with emissions. The environment is characterized by deficits in the open space and local supply with green spaces and represents a structural and programmatic caesura in the otherwise small-scale district structure of Ehrenfeld.

    With the „Best-Of Ehrenfeld" an open quarter with a strong character is created, which combines a high urban density with open, diversely networked and richly programmed open spaces. It is a Cologne Veedel (Kölsch for „quarter") in the best sense of the word: living, working, culture and education are fused in small spaces and linked with each other over short distances. The mix of uses is derived from the urban planning concept at the construction site level. The new district is green, culturally anchored and creatively attractive.

    The urban development forms a structural and programmatic bridge between the districts of Ehrenfeld, Müngersdorf and Braunsfeld. Urban density and diversity meet a green network with a wide range of offers and possible uses.

    in progress
    Ehrenfeld, Cologne
  • Campuswelten Lübeck

    In addition to the university, the campus is also home to the Technical University, the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein and other research institutions. In the course of the redesign, strategic guidelines were developed to steer the growth into a cohesive campus. The focus was placed on the development of existing structures and the preservation and qualification of green spaces. The development strategies are independent of each other in terms of content and time and can react flexibly to unforeseeable events.

    The profiling of characterful subspaces provides orientation in the placement of new functional modules, creates synergies between them and serves orientation within the campus through recognisability. In addition to high-quality places of arrival, a knowledge path creates clarity in the circulation of the quarter.

    In order to become an independent, lively district, the aim was to intensify use through residential uses and community facilities. Underused places are activated and reprogrammed. The sense of belonging to the city is reinforced by numerous links with the surrounding area. Existing barriers such as fences are removed.

    in progress
  • Buchholzer Green

    The development of Buchholzer Grün creates a residential area in an attractive location. The five-storey and the four-storey apartment buildings in combination with ten three-storey townhouses form the northern opening of the new quatier. The three new buildings develop a powerful, own identity, which incorporate the urban connection to the surrounding city districts and the neighbouring Podbielskistraße. The rhythmization in the height development as well as the verticality through the overlapping windows and balconies in the clinker facade are central design principles. The change of material makes the entrance areas clearly recognizable and at the same time they fit into the overall structure of the facades. The result is a robust, unpretentious and solid figure. The multi-storey housing units impress with an exciting mix of tenements and condominiums in different sizes, while the townhouses offer a small type of building as well as a large one and enable parking inside the house.


    30659 Hanover
  • Framework plan Hafenband+

    maritime. green. communal.

    The framework plan for the Hafen-Ost (harbour east) quarter in Flensburg forms the basis for the development and transformation of Hafen-Ost into a climate-friendly and sufficiency-oriented city neighbourhood with mixed uses and a wide range of open spaces.

    Based on three possible development scenarios, a cooperative development process was carried out to create the framework plan involving the city, politics, stakeholders and the population. The result is the synthesis scenario "Hafenband + maritime. green. communal.", which creates the basis for the framework plan.

    In addition to the framework plan with an urban and landscape planning concept, a development and utilization concept and an integrated mobility concept, the focus under the topic "How will less be enough?" is on the development of a sufficiency quarter for approx. 1000 units and up to 2,000 AP in an inner-city location.

    in progress
  • Closed loop quarters. Between Frankfurt and Taunus

    CITYFÖRSTER has been unanimously selected for the design for the "Stadtteil der Quartiere" (district of the quarters)" in Frankfurt am Main, Germany with a concept that combines urban growth with circularity.

    The central challenge was how to create up to 10,000 apartments and 8,000 new jobs in an agricultural area on the northwest outskirts of Frankfurt, without losing the scenic qualities of this area. At the same time, the design also had to take into account various challenges; for example, like many peripheral metropolitan areas, the region is intersected by infrastructure - of which the six-lane Autobahn A5, which effectively divides the study area in two, has the greatest impact. A situation that is by no means exclusive to Frankfurt or even Germany, but can be found in most cities.

    One of the most remarkable choices was to keep 75 percent of the study area undeveloped, thus preserving the landscape and the connection to the Taunus. The design, which is based on the "Landschaf(f)tStadt" principle, consistently takes the possibilities offered by the landscape and the open space as a starting point.

    In order to protect as much of the landscape as possible, the development was kept in compact areas. This means, for example, the abandonment of single-family houses and the planning of mostly apartment complexes of five to six floors, occasionally even higher buildings. The underground and city railways form the backbone of the new districts; the expansion area "Steinbach-Ost" is directly connected to the existing S-Bahn line, and in the districts east of the Autobahn the metro network is being expanded. A number of the neighbourhoods will be car-free.

    The aim is to create circularly organized neighbourhoods - neighbourhoods as part of a cycle, in which they make an important contribution to water management, energy, and food supply, that promote environmentally friendly mobility, that regulate the climate and that enhance biodiversity - while naturally offering space for social exchange, providing a home to the community.

    All facts at a glance:

    4 new residential areas
    up to 10,000 apartments
    up to 8,000 new jobs
    5 schools
    20 nurseries
    47 hectares of public green within the neighbourhoods
    425 hectares of study area
    75% of the study area remains undeveloped

    Frankfurt am Main
    60439 Frankfurt a.M.
  • Residential Crown Carpark Windmühlenstraße

    The residential crown is a prototype of settlement 2.0. Rooftops of retail and office buildings, as well as parking garages, are activated, attractive locations are opened up, existing infrastructures are used more efficiently and the mixture of programs in the city centre is improved. The existing parking garage is complemented with penthouses as part of the renovation of the façade and entrance area. These residential units distinguish formally from the existing building structure and simultaneously give the building a harmonious completion.

    Entrances and circulation of the building have been reorganized so that independent addresses for the car park and the residential building are clearly recognizable. The residential building is accessed (barrier-free) via a representative lobby on the ground floor with exclusive elevators that lead directly to the central, landscaped residential courtyard. The residential units are accessible from this common space. Each apartment (50 to 120m²) has a spacious, private terrace overlooking the rooftops of the city.

    Windmühlenstraße 3
    30159 Hannover
  • Quarter at the Hirschberg

    Sufficient, community based, green.

    The former site of the district clinic in Biberach is an urban area in a central location in the town and offers a rare opportunity to create an exemplary and forward-looking residential quarter. The site is characterized by its hillside location and impressive tree population, which presents special challenges and opportunities for sustainable development.
    The aim of our design is to create a diverse residential quarter that offers a home to many residents. Particular emphasis is placed on affordable and diverse living as well as the creation of a car-free interior. Efficient use of the land and the promotion of a vibrant community are at the heart of the planning. Our approach deliberately disregards the requirements of the competition by avoiding the construction of detached single-family homes. Instead, so-called neighborhood islands will be created, integrating different forms of housing and comprising 40 to 60 residential units per island. These islands are embedded in a communal open space designed to promote social interaction and encourage encounters the so-called commons.
    At the center of each island is a car-free meeting place for residents, while the private gardens are oriented towards the outside. The communal open space offers play areas, meeting points and public green areas. The adjacent wooded slope remains largely natural and offers space for vegetation, orchards and wildflowers as well as a picturesque view of the surrounding area.
    This innovative residential concept is intended to provide a sustainable and social response to the housing needs of the city of Biberach by creating diverse, green and community-oriented living options in a central location.

  • Köstra Reuse

    The proposal for the revitalization of Königstrasse 1ab is based on the following 5 guiding design themes:

    Development of a building structure that completes the ensemble of the hotel and Königsstraße 1c, which incorporates heights and gradations, creates addresses and forms the prelude to Königstraße through its orientation towards the train station.

    Creation of lively, green passages with small-scale retail, gastronomy and areas for culture and events in the interior of the ensemble and a generous setback on Königstraße to provide more space for planting and passers-by.

    Enabling maximum exchange between inside and outside through diverse and generous entrances and transparent façades.

    Creating modern retail, office and restaurant layouts that can react flexibly to changing future requirements.

    Reuse of the existing load-bearing structure and individual components to minimize energy consumption and thus reduce CO2 emissions.

    Königstraße 1ab
  • High Q

    Urban integration creates a neighborhood
    In its immediate surroundings, HIGH Q picks up on the typological and urban development characteristics of its neighborhood. The existing principles of block structures, incisions and polygonal high points are transferred to HIGH Q in order to create a harmonious overall urban image.
    On the west side of the construction site, a neighborhood square with outdoor gastronomy will be created at the interface between the office and the hotel, creating a lively meeting place for everyone. This square also serves as an entrance to the hotel lobby.

    Striking appearance creates identity
    Whether viewed from a passing train, as a pedestrian or from a bicycle, the HIGH Q always looks different and yet is unmistakable. The special façade design with 6 partial façades makes the high-rise appear slender and without a rear side, creating ever new impressions.

    Recognition value and an identity-creating design are an important requirement for this building in this exposed location. On the one hand, the façade and the striking shape create a variety of impressions depending on the viewing angle, while on the other hand the building also offers diverse and special situations in its immediate context. The undercut to Celler Strasse with its forecourt forms a clear address, the neighborhood square offers a common center for the neighborhood and the differently designed facades improve orientation and create different places.

  • Jugendherberge For Future

    As part of the CEWI-cooperation, Cityförster is developing an implementation concept that shows how the sustainable and careful renovation of real estate can be implemented in the DJH Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.

    The mission for DJH Lochen is to be a flagship project for circularity, sustainability and sufficiency. This concept is translated to the offer of the youth hostel, and the architectural design and planning. Following the didactic focus of DJH Baden-Württemberg, the hostel should offer its guests an educational experience for sustainable awareness. This means programs with sustainability themes, active outdoor experiences, and workshops with local resources. These themes are also represented in the architectural concept. The main target groups are school groups, leisure (sports) groups, conference groups, and individual travelers like hikers, cyclists and retreat participants.

    The theme of sufficiency has guided the hostel to rethink its offer of rooms: smaller rooms to emphasize the outdoor experience, and the development of a summer house for the peak season. This summer house provides extra guest rooms in the warmer months, making a low-tech building without heating or cooling possible. The summer house transforms the old garage by extending it with a new floor on top. Upon arrival, the summer house is the eyecatcher of the circularity concept.

    The main goal of the renovation is to restructure the rooms and meet today's requirements. Because the exterior was renovated in 1982, the focus of the renovation is on the space plan and installations. This means a minimal renovation is sufficient. Where possible, building components are harvested on site or in the region, and repurposed in the summer house and the youth hostel. Where larger quantities of materials are needed, materials based on recycled resources and granulated raw materials are applied, for example recycled rubber, concrete and repurposed wood shingles.

    The beautiful location of DJH Lochen next tot the Lochenpass creates an inspiring natural environment in the forest on the hills. The existing outdoor facilities are upgraded, and new functionalities are added to extend the possibilities for outdoor activities. The new multifunctional outdoor spaces contribute to the sustainable outdoor experience of DJH Lochen.

    Balingen Lochen
  • Buna Delta

    The Buna river delta, situated in the southeast of Shkodra, Albania, is intricately connected to Lake Shkodra via the Buna, Drin, and Kir rivers, forming a complex hydrological network. This region boasts diverse ecosystems, drawing migratory birds and nature enthusiasts. However, it faces periodic flooding, attributed to factors like heavy rainfall, snowmelt, imbalanced reservoir management, and the mountainous terrain constraining water flow.

    We propose a vision for the future of the Buna Delta, developed in close collaboration with the Municipality of Shkodra, government agencies, international donors and local experts. In this vision, flood protection infrastructure is harmoniously combined with the development of ecotourism and circular economy, as well as the improvement of sustainable mobility between the Adriatic Sea and Shkodra.

    To achieve flood resilience, a combination of natural and technical solutions is recommended. A combination of natural and technical solutions is recommended to strengthen resilience to flooding. Among these solutions is the organic development of a green river connecting the Buna and Drinasa rivers. This green river acts as a natural strip of land to divert flood water while promoting attractive vegetation. This improves water quality, creates habitats for wildlife and promotes tourism.

    To further protect against flooding, improve biodiversity, develop tourism and promote sustainable land management, measures such as the inclusion of storage areas and buffer zones along the waterfront and a resilient mixed form of agriculture are also proposed.
    By implementing these strategies, the Buna Delta can thrive as a resilient and vibrant ecosystem, providing both environmental and economic benefits for the region.

  • Exhibition: How to build 10.000 extra houses in Arnhem

    The Dutch government aims to address housing shortages by creating 1 million extra houses by 2030. Ministerie van Maak organized an exhibition during the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, showcasing solutions for housing construction, energy transition, and climate change adaptation. The exhibition featured a large Dutch model designed by 100 architects and urban planners. CITYFÖRSTER was one of the selected studios to conduct research into the development of 10,000 climate-proof homes within their 2 x 2 km area.

    Our site is located in Arnhem, close to the Central Station and including a portion of the Nederrijn. The site is characterized by a large industrial area, that is divided from a residential area by a railyard leading to Central Station. The river on the other side appears as an unused potential, as well as many undefined areas, that could use more clarity and densification.

    How to add 10.000 houses in this area? Our proposal is based on two main strategies:
    Former industrial areas are the favourite location for inner city developments. The new housing developments would be realized close to existing roads and transport and urban sprawl can be prevented. We suggest smaller scale infill into industrial areas at underused spaces such as parking areas and expansion areas and to make new connections to the river's floodplains.

    The other large potential to add quality by densification is in the low-rise neighbourhoods. Built in the 60's and 70's these areas are at the end of their first lifecycle, often inhabited by empty-nesters. We can add a couple of apartment blocks, diversifying the housing stock and the existing rowhouses could easily be topped-up with an extra layer. This creates both more housing opportunities and diverse neighbourhoods and is also an investment opportunity creating wealth on a small scale.

    Both of our strategies use the 10.000 houses not as a problem that needs to be solved, but as a great opportunity to improve our existing city.

    The Netherlands